I Had Love

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I can't live like this,
Knowing that every time,
I give myself to someone new,
I'll always know,
I left a piece of my heart,
Forever with you.

I can't do this,
Knowing that every time,
I say 'I love you' to someone new,
I'll always wish,
I had said those words,
Only to you.

I can't be okay,
Knowing that one day,
You will belong to someone else,
And I will only be,
A memory of your past,
That you might never recall.

But I have to keep going,
And tell myself that I can,
That I can love without you.
But as much as I want to believe it,
I know it's still a lie I tell myself,
Every single day.

So in this poem,
I will say:
I can't ever unlove you,
And that's okay,
Because a love like that,
Only comes in a lifetime,
And if I'm lucky enough to feel that,
Even if I can't keep that,
Then it's okay,
For every time I'll remember you,
I will remember that I had love.

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