Chapter 30

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Something feels different. I don't know what it is but there's something different with me and Bella lately. Not in a good way. Around 2 weeks ago is when me and Bella had that big fight and she's just been acting a little different. I've talked to her about it and she said she was fine and I want to believe her but I just can't.

"Look, she is just different. Maybe I should talk to Scarlet, see if she's said anything to her." I suggest.

"That's not a bad idea but I still think that you're thinking too much into this." Devin responds.

"I'm not. I know her." I take out my phone and text Scarlet, which I have never done before.

"I know her too." He replies while taking my phone.

"What are you doing?"

He doesn't respond but just taps a few buttons on my phone and holds it up to his ear.

"Hello? Bella, hey! Look Matt and I were just talking and we figured that you should come over. You know my address and we thought it would be cool to hangout." I glare at him but he just smirks. "Great! See you then."

"What the hell was that?" I ask.

"You guys need to talk and I haven't seen her for a while so it's a win win."

We stare at each other for a few seconds and then I stuff my face in the pillow.

10 minutes later and she shows up at the door.

"Hey guys." She walks in smiling at us.

"How's it going?" Devin asks, moving over on the couch so she can sit in the middle.

"It's going okay. Why did you want me here?" She asks looking at me.

I was about to say that I didn't but I know that would just cause a fight.

"Well we were getting bored here so we thought we should invite you over. Cause of your bright essence you bring into rooms." She laughs and glares at him with a smile.

"Right, my bright essence is why you guys wanted me over here." She looks back over at me but I don't say a word. "Are you okay? Or do you just don't want to talk to me?"

"Yeah I'm fine. I'm just a little tired." Lies. Why am I lying you may ask. The answer is because she is lying.

"Well I could ask my brother to come pick us up and you can go home." She replies.

"No, I'm good."

Okay maybe this isn't the best strategy but it's what I'm doing.

She looks at me weirdly and I notice her pinching her hands. "What are you doing?" I ask.

"What do you mean?" I don't think she even notices she is doing it.

"Your hands. What are you doing with your hands?" She looks down at them and then covers her hands with her sleeves.

"Oh right. Sorry I didn't mean to." She's apologizing to me? Why is she apologizing for doing that?

"Bella, did you want to watch a movie? I think you'd really like 'The 5th Wave' if you haven't already seen it."

"Oh I love that movie! Yeah we can definitely watch it." Bella crosses her arms over her chest.

I miss my mom. It's random but I really wish I could just talk to her about this. I know she knew Bella was the one for me but I'm just having some doubts. I love Bella but I'm having second thoughts and I just really need my mom right now. I mean if Bella and I did break up it wouldn't be the worst thing. I know she would find someone better than me, I mean there's Devin. God what am I thinking?

"On second thought I actually do need to go. I'll talk to you guys later." I get up quickly ignoring them.

I don't know what's going on with me. I start walking down the street and into the Mcdonald's a few minutes away from the house. As soon as I get in I bump into Tiffany.

"Matt, oh my god hey!" She flips her hair and smiles showing the 1 diamond on her tooth.

"Hey Tiffany." I say trying to move past her.

"Long time no see." She follows me to the seat and I roll my eyes.
"Look, I'm kind of busy and want to be alone right now so if you could just leave, I would appreciate it." She moves closer to me and puts a hand on my thigh.

"Aw come on. You remember before you had a girlfriend? All the fun we would have?" I move her hand off of my thigh.

"Hardly. And the key to the sentence is 'before I had a girlfriend'. I have a girlfriend now so thanks but no thanks." I try to push past her but she doesn't budge.

"I don't think you are aware but your best friend likes your girlfriend. He has since long before you knew her." How would she know? Was it obvious that he liked her? I'm his best friend, how could I not tell that he liked Bella before me when everyone else did?

"Actually I am well aware of the fact that he liked her before me but we are dating now so-" She cuts me off and follows me outside.

"Doesn't that break like guy code or some shit? Why would you go after the girl your best friend liked?" The question enrages me and I try to push past her but she keeps following me.

"Would you just back the fuck up. Stop following me and stop asking these questions that have absolutely nothing to do with you." She stops walking and I speed up.

What the fuck does she know about this. Nothing, she knows nothing. It's not my fault I didn't notice that Devin liked her. He never told me jack shit about Bella. In fact, he never even looked her way when I was with him. So how was it so obvious to everyone but me? I'm not a bad friend. I mean I ask Devin how he's doing and stuff. Okay maybe not that often but I'm usually just dealing with my own crap. Devin doesn't mind though. Right?

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