Chapter 20

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School could not have went by any slower. I dreaded leaving Matt for what seemed like the first time in a month. We have been together so often lately it feels weird being separated from him even if it is just for 7 hours. 

I open my phone to text Matt when I get a text from Scarlet.

It's been like 400 years! Wanna hang out tonight?

I think about it for a few seconds and then start to panic. I haven't talked to my best friend in forever or even seen her in a while. But I want to be there for Matt right now. The little voice in the back of my head is telling me to be there for Matt but then the other voice is telling me that she is my best friend and I can't afford to loose her.

Definitely, there's a lot I need to tell you.

 I send the text back to her and sigh. Why must life be full of decisions that I do not want to make. 

I call Matt but he doesn't pick up so I decide to call Devin. He told me he would be going over to their house today to be there for Matt so to made me feel a little better about having to go to school.

"Bella?" I hear Devin on the other end of the call.

"Hi, yeah I called Matt but he didn't  answer." I say while walking home from school. 

He yawns on the other end of the line and shuffles around. "He's been passed out for a while now but I'll tell him you called." 

"Okay thanks. But I also wanted to tell him that I can't make it to the hospital tonight." Ugh I should have just waited until he woke up to tell him, not tell his best friend.

"Oh is everything alright?" He asks and I sigh.

"Yeah yeah, I just have a friend coming over that I haven't seen or a while." I respond. 

"Right, well I'll tell him and keep you updated." he hangs up before I even get to thank him again.

Oh god. I sounded so self centered. Matt's mom is almost dead and I am worrying about my friendship with my best friend. Wait a minute, I should be worrying about my friendship with Scarlet because friendship comes first. Right? No not right. She would understand that I can't hang out with her because of this situation. But she should always come first.

Someone honks from beside me and I almost drop my phone from my hands. Scarlet smiles at me and she looks even more beautiful than the last time I saw her. 

She motions for me to get in her car and I smile at her. As soon as I get in the car  I hug her tightly and she squeezes back.

"God I missed you so much." I say and start crying a little bit. Oh shoot I'm gonna start my period soon. 

She signs I missed you too back to me and then starts the car.

"I need to tell you so much. First to start off, I'm so sorry we haven't been texting much lately. There is no excuse for not being in contact especially since you birthday is this weekend." I then think back to Tom and silently sure myself again. I haven't talked to him in a while either. God I am such horrible person. "I'm so sorry I'm such a crap friend to everyone and I hate myself and life sucks so much." I burst out crying and bang my head against the side window. 

I feel a hand on my shoulder and hear Scarlet laughing beside me. She stops the car at a stoop light and starts signing. 

"Is it that time of the month?" She signs.

I then start laughing really hard and crying at the same time. This is a mental breakdown if I've ever had one.

She starts the car again and I get a phone call. Oh it's Matt, great.

"Hey," I sniffle and try not to laugh anymore.

"Bella? Are you crying?" He asks and I laugh even more.

"Maybe." I snort and more tears fall down my face. 

"What happened are you okay?" He sounds so scared that it makes me calm down a little bit but when I hear Scarlet laughing beside me I start to cry again. 

"I-I'm fine. Did Devin already tell you?" I ask wiping my tears away from my face.

"Oh yeah I called to ask if you were alright but you don't sound very alright." He replies. "Do you want to talk about it? Or not, I mean I don't want to sound to clingy or whatever. Am I being clingy? Oh god I am being clingy and the text I sent well I didn't mean to sent I miss you if you think that is weird. But I do miss you even though it's only been a little while. Like honestly I don't mean to sound clingy." He takes a deep breathe after that long rant and I smile.

"You are not being clingy, Matt." Is all I respond as I realize that I really really like this guy. Like I think I may actually love this dork.

"Are you sure? Because I can change,"  

"You don't need to change for me. Can I talk to you later?" I ask as Scarlet pulls into her driveway.

"Oh, okay yeah." He sounds disappointed which makes me feel awful and even more of a horrible friend. 

I hang up the phone and bury my hands in my face. Scarlet opens the door beside me.

"Time to tell me what the hell is going on." She signs as I exit the vehicle.

After an hour, I have finally told her everything and I mean every single detail, or little thought that has ran through my head in the past week. I did not miss any detail when it came to how I was feeling at the moment or anything. Of course I asked her how she was and she just brushed it off by saying that she was in love with Tom at which I screamed and hugged the life out of her. 

She then told me that I should go to Matt because no matter what she will still be there when all of this is over. I obviously told her I should stay but she shoved me out of her house and into the car. 

So long story short, I am now waiting at the hospital entrance for Matt. I texted him and he said he would meet me here at 5:30 and its 5:32 so where is he? Okay I'm totally just over reacting. 

"Hey," I turn around and Matt smiles at me. My mood lightens as soon as I see him.

"Hi," I reply.

"Okay enough of the hello's. Let's get in the hospital already." Devin adds while holding on to Liz' hand. 

"Let's go." Matt takes a deep breath and then intertwines my hand with his.

A/N: I'm so sorry this chapter sucks. I just got a job(Which I suck ass at) and school is taking up a lot of time and stress. I will try and update more often or with better chapters but it is very difficult at the moment. Anyways I hope you are enjoying this so far and thanks for 7k views really appreciate it and I love you all!

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