Chapter 32

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I think I want to get a tattoo. I don't know what tattoo yet but I want one.

"Hey what do you think about getting matching tattoos?" Devin looks over at me and laughs.

"Right. That's gonna be a no from me." He says walking out of the school parking lot.

"Oh come on man. We could get like a yin and yang type thing." We both hop into the car and I hear him bust out laughing.

"That's some cheesy shit right there. I'm gonna pass, but maybe Bella would be into that type of thing." He starts the car and we make our way to his house.

"We aren't that far into a relationship where she would get matching tattoos with me." I reply.

"Maybe, maybe not. Wouldn't hurt to ask."

I would tell him me and Bella had sex for the first time but I feel like that's kind of like a private thing. Then again she probably already told Scarlet.

"I'm so tired." I decide against telling him.

"Tell me about it. I took 3 melatonin tablets and still couldn't fall asleep." We pull up to his house and get out of the car.

I check my phone and call Bella as we enter the house. She picks up after 5 rings.

"Hey." I can hear her smile through the phone.

"Hey to you. I was wondering if you could hang out with Liz for a couple of hours?" I feel like it's rude to be asking this of her instead of hanging out with her but me and Devin haven't hung out, just the 2 of us for while.

"Yeah of course! Where are you?" She asks.

"I'm at Devins house."

"Oh okay well just text me when your coming home."

"Thank you! I really appreciate it Bella." I hang up so we avoid the awkward ending to phone calls where both of us keep saying bye.

"Alright well Bella is taking care of Liz." I put my phone down and sit down at the kitchen counter.

"Aw I bet you miss her already." He jokes getting orange juice out of the fridge.

"Actually I do." I admit. I kind of wish she was here right now but I don't think it's healthy to be with someone 24/7.

"Of course you do." He pours the drink and hands it to me but I shake my head.

"I'm more of an apple juice kinda guy."

Devin looks at me with a disgusted face.

"You learn something new everyday." He chugs the orange juice down in seconds.

"I was thinking we go shopping. It may sound weird but I'm really in need of some new clothes."

Shopping? Don't think we've ever talked about clothes let alone shopping together.

"I mean sure, why not?"

A few minutes later and we enter value village. I can't remember the last time I went shopping. My mom always bought my clothes for me, as sad as it is to admit.

"This is nice, right?" He pulls up a large dark green hoodie.

"Yeah you'd look hot in it." I laugh and he smiles.

"I look hot in anything." He replies.

I shake my head and look through some shirts. I find a nice kind of oversized red shirt with California written on it. Only $2.99, that's a steal. Tell me why I never go shopping again?

"I forgot my wallet. You'll have to pay." Devin whispers as we get up to the cash register. I silently glare at him but he avoids eye contact.

We get into the car again and I punch Devin on the shoulder. He bought $59 worth of shit which I didn't even know was possible here because everything is so cheep.

"Okay listen, I figure you owe me because I'm such a good friend. And I wasn't expecting there to be such good stuff at a thrift store." He confesses turning on the engine.

"Right," I add drawing out the 't'.

"Anyways you can go call Bella and tell her you'll see her now." I take out my phone when I realize he was being sarcastic.

"It's not my fault I like talking to her. But I'm just gonna text her to ask if Liz is okay."

Devin smiles and shakes his head, like he knows something.

Bella texts back almost instantly saying everything is okay. I knew everything would be okay but I just wanted to talk to her.

"Separation anxiety." Devin says looking at me. "I see it in me whenever I leave my lotion beside my bed."

"I don't have separation anxiety." Okay maybe I do. I never really thought about that until now.

"Whatever you say mate."

A few hours later and I'm sitting in Devins basement, thinking about Bella. This is a serious problem. Ever since I last saw her, all I can think about is her. The way she eats her food, the way her face lights up when she smiles. Everything about her is just so perfect and it's times like these I wonder how the hell she chose me. I wonder if this makes me a bad friend? The fact that I keep thinking about Bella even when we are hanging out.

"I got some homework to do. You should probably skedaddle." He gets up from the gaming chair and opens the door for me.

"I'm sorry." I add.

"For what?"

"For me being like this. I hate that I can't stop thinking about her." I admit.

"It's normal and I get it. Now go see her before I have to drag you out of the house."

A few minutes later and I walk into my house to see Bella and my sister snuggled up on the couch, sleeping.

Liz shifts slightly and drool hangs out of her mouth. Bella sleeps peacefully with her head leaning on the armrest. I have to admit, this might just be the cutest thing I've seen in my entire life.

I decide not to wake up Bella because she looks so peaceful. Instead, I cover both of them with a blanket and head upstairs.

A/N: I'm okay guys! Thank you for all those who were asking I've just had a lot of stuff going on I hope you understand:) Thank you guys so much for your continued support. I love you all so much! Anyways this book is coming to an end and I can't thank you guys enough for reading this and taking a chance on it!

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