Chapter 26

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He was good looking to say the least. His name was George. I mean not the most attractive name but he is definitely attractive.

"You like men?" My mom asks still processing the man she sees in front of her.

"Yes mom, I like guys." Brian holds George's hand and smiles.

"Oh my gosh!" I stare at my brother and his new boyfriend in awe.

My mother isn't necessarily the most accepting person but she loves us no matter what. For my brother to come out to her like that takes a lot of strength. I still haven't even told anyone I'm bi but that's a later discussion. Right now I'm celebrating my brother coming out.

"But you like girl." My mom replies.

"Mama I like both." I look at my brother after processing what he just said. He's bi? Of course he is, I'm so stupid. He's dated so many girls and almost impregnated a couple.

"Both?" She questions looking at me. "Did you know about this?"

"No mama, I'm finding out right now too." Okay maybe that was a bit of a lie but I only found out a little bit before she did.

"Okay I make supper." She then goes to the kitchen like nothing even happened.

"I'm Bella." I saw and he smiles and takes my hand.

"Nice to meet you." He seems to be mixed, possibly blasian. But I can't be sure. Definitely black mixed with something.

I watch my mom take out spaghetti noodles and I get excited. This means she made her home made meatballs!

"Mama you made your meatballs today?" I ask and she nods her head.

I do a little happy dance and make my way to the couch.

"I'm thinkin' some lemonade mouth." George says sitting down beside me.

"Hands down one of the best movies." I agree and then search it up on Disney plus.

Brian sits down in between us and takes the remote from me. "Yeah that will not be happening. That movie is trash. Let's watch how to train your dragon."

I yank the remote from him. "How to train your dragon isn't on Disney plus. I go back to lemonade mouth and press play."

"Fine you win." He slumps back into the couch and sighs in defeat.

"You two have a nice relationship." George adds looking at the both of us. "It's a lot better than me and my siblings."

"How many siblings do you have?" I ask and Brian laughs a little.

"He's got 7." My mouth gapes open and I stare at him.

"7! How do you deal with that many people?" I ask in astonishment. There's no way I could survive with 6 other Brian's.

"I'm used to it. I mean we argue all the time but that's what siblings do, right?" I look at Brian and Brian looks at me.

"I guess so." I respond.

"Hey y'all." Tom walks in with a backwards cap on and sits down beside us.

"New style?" I press my lips together to keep from laughing.

He looks at me and glares. "Why yes, actually. I'm trying out new things."

"Good for you." I say letting out a little laugh.

"Nice to see you again." George looks at Tom and they both give a nod.

I don't think I've ever given anyone a nod. I mean maybe like in agreement but not as a greeting. Boys are weird.

"Food." My mom calls and I run to the table.

Dinner goes by really well. My mom is more accepting of my brother than I thought she would be. I don't know if that's a bad or good thing.

I pick up my phone to call Matt as soon as I get upstairs.

"Hey!" I say as he answers the phone.

"Hey beautiful." I can hear his smile from the other end and it gives me butterflies.

"Hows it going?" I lay on my bed and look at the

"It would be better if you were here." He sighs and I let out a snort. "Wow very ladylike."

I roll my eyes and smile. "Why don't you just come over then?"

He takes a few moments to respond. "Well I am a little preoccupied at the moment."

I wonder what's he's talking about before he starts talking again. "Actually I should probably call you back in like 5 min."

Before I can say anything he hangs up.

Um excuse me?

I open my curtain to see his curtains closed. My phone rings and I see his caller id pop up.

"Hey sorry I had to hang up." He says almost out of breath.

"Are you okay?" I ask thinking of the worst case scenarios.

"Yeah yeah I'm good." He opens his curtain and waves at me in only his boxers.

Black boxers...Oh my.

He hangs up and opens his window so I do the same.

"How was meeting the new guy?" Matt asks.

I put my hands in my pockets and shrug. "He's really nice. He seems like a good person. And my mom didn't tell him to leave, so I'd say it went good."

"What's his name?"

"George." I reply. "I think his last name is like Mernon or something like that."

"Cool cool." He looks interested but his tone is saying something entirely different so I decided to change the subject.

"You think your gonna go back to the team?" I ask.

He thinks about it for a few moments before nodding. "Probably in like a week. I miss it." He admits.

"That's great!" I say enthusiastically.

"Yeah the guys kept saying how they want me back on the team."

"Well of course they do. You were an important player." I try and think of the position names again but I forget so I try and play it cool.

He laughs and smiles at me.

"I got some homework to do." He says with disappointment in his voice.

"Same with me." I add.

"You wanna come over and we can do it together?" He says with a more wishful tone.

"Why not?" I smile and then gather my books.

By the time I climbed back into my window it was 12 am and I nearly passed out. We literally did homework the entire time and took no breaks. I mean we did take a few glances at each other here and there but other than that we just helped each other out. And not in the way you're thinking.

A/N: It's almost Christmas guys!!!!! Anyways thank you so much for all the love on this, I really appreciate it! And my birthday is in 10 days so that's exciting! I love you all and thank you so much for the support. Hope you enjoyed this chapter:)

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