Chapter 6

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I felt bad.

I shouldn't of pushed her in the lake.

Of course it was just fun and games but she was right. It was f**king freezing in the water.

I'll admit she was pretty smart with that give me your hand tactic

I get home after we went our separate ways after the lake. I shower then put on maroon sweats. I sit down on my bed doing a homework assignment that I definitely did not want to do but I was procrastinating it too much. The thing is I never actually read the book for this essay so that was going to be a problem. I love reading classic novels and al that but coach has been on my ass the past week and I never had time to read the book. Jane Eyre. Yup that's the book. I know I know. You say you like classic novels but you haven't read that? My answer is I haven gotten around to it.

But I think I know who has. This person just so happens to live next door to me.

I look out my window to se her sitting in her bed reading. I open my window and hers is already open.

"Watcha reading?" I ask leaning out of my window. I could literally climb into her bedroom and there would be only a 0.1% chance of me falling. She looks up startled and then closes her book. She has wet hair and is wearing black shorts and a long t shirt. She looks down at my shirtless body and blinks a few times. Who knew I had such affects on girls. I smirk, yes the all knowing boy smirk.

"Wuthering Heights, for the 13th time." She responds sitting crisscross apple sauce on her bed. Her hands are under her chin and her elbows are resting on her knees. I smile at her and she returns it with a small smile of her own.

"I actually needed to ask you if you've read Jane Eyre?" I ask being hopeful. She lays back down on her bed laughing. I furrow my eyebrows at what she is laughing at.

"Is that a serious question?" She asks now sitting at he edge of her bed.

"Uh yeah."

"Of course I have. Why?"

"I need help with an essay,"

"Oh, um, I'm not really good with helping people out in that stuff." She says a little nervous.

"It's fine I just need a summary of the book," she looks shocked.

"You haven't read the book but you're writing an essay on it?"

"Yeah I didn't have time."

"Mhmm," She says grabbing something from a part of her room that I can't see.

"Here." She says placing the book Jane Eyre in my hands. I look up to her and we both smile. "There are a lot of sticky notes for my favourite parts and most important parts of the book. Unless you don't want any spoilers for it you ever decide to actually read it, then it would be best to just search up a summary." She says backing away from the window.

"Thanks! I actually like books being spoiled just so I know what to expect." She smiles which makes me smile.

Damn this girl is always making me smile!

"No problem," she says in a low tone.

It's currently been 1 week since I have talked or seen Bella. I'm not going to lie I miss the extra smiling. I finished the essay and the decided to read the book. I was planning on giving her the book but I couldn't find the right time.

When I said I didn't see her that wasn't exactly all true. I saw her at school and through the window but I never started a conversation. But now would be a good time.

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