Chapter 17

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"Bella!" I scream just as I grab ahold of her hand right in time to see the car flash by. I notice her eyes closed so I start to panic as Liz good my hand beside me.

"What happened?" Liz asks as she wipes the tears from her face.

"She's alright." Is she though? Probably just passed out, I'm assuming.

"Jesus!" She jolts awake and head buts me in the face.

"Are you alright?" I ask as I see the car that almost killed her, leave the parking lot.

"What the heck happened?" She asked, panic flooded in her eyes.

"A car almost killed you!" Liz sobs into her arm and she pats her head.

Bella then looks at the ground to where my phone is laying and rushed to pick it up. When she flips it over relief flood over her face but I'm just happy that she didn't die a minute ago.

"I though for sure your phone was cracked." She lets out a breath.

"You should probably call him back." I reply and she nods her head.

"Brian?" She removes the phone from her ear and winces. "Calm down! You just broke my ear drums!" She says. "Yes I'm fine. No I just almost broke Matt's phone." I laugh a little and she smiles. "There was not car I'm all good but I need you to pick us up please." She waits a little before she sighs. "Really, you're going to leave me all alone in a house with a boy?" She laughs a little and then a smile breaks out into her face which makes me smile. "Thanks!"

She gives me my phone back and I put it into my pocket.

"So?" I ask.

"He's coming right now but he'll be a few minutes."

"McFlurry." Liz says and I realize that she's not crying but her eyes look so red, people would think she's high.

"McDonalds while we wait. Again." I say and piggy back Liz all the way over to McDonalds.

Once we get Liz her m&m McFlurry, we sit down at a table and I grab Bella's hand.

"Thank you." She tilts her head in confusion.

"I thought we already went through this. I should be thanking you."

"No no. Really I want to thank you. If you died back there-," She stops me abruptly.

"But I didn't. And don't finish that sentence with some cheesy romance crap, even though I might like it. I'm pessimistic and that's just who I am. But, you are not. And I don't want you to start changing because of what's going on right now. Your mom wouldn't want that and you know it." She takes a deal breath and squeezes my hand a little tighter. "Liz is going to need you. And of course I'll be here but she's so young that this is going to be hard in her. Loosing someone you love at a young age and not growing up with them can make a person, she's going to need you to always be there for her and I need you to promise me that you will always, and I mean always, have her back. Because I know without Brian, I might not have been where I am today." I just now notice how Liz is fast asleep across Bella's lap so I take her McFlurry.

"I promise." I shove the spoon into my mouth and she gives me a sympathetic smile.

"Dang, I don't think I've ever talked that much at once in my entire life. Heck, I haven't even said that many words in total." She lets out a little laugh and I laugh with her.

"Reminds me of when I ramble when I get nervous." She lights up at the memory.

"Oh my gosh yes! That was so cute. It's like you were shy but I knew you weren't." Somehow this reminds me of Devin and how I need to call him.

"Can you give me a sec." I get up from the table and outside the store. After a few rings he finally picks up.

"Mate you're lucky I just got up to use the restroom." He mumbles into the phone.

"Look I need to tell you something." I take a breath and he gasps.

"You did a little 69 didn't you? I mean I know you've done it before but it's different now with her you know and,"

"My moms dying." He immediately becomes silent.

"Shit you're kidding." He says and when I don't respond he gasps again. "Where are you, I'm on my way."

"No stay at school. I'm with Bella and Liz right now. Here brother is coming to pick us up. I just wanted you to know cause, well you're my best friend."

"Really I don't mind skipping school. It's boring anyways." I shake my head and then realize that he can't see me.

"What I mean to say is that you shouldn't be skipping school because of me. I already got Bella to skip,"

"No I slept in. Plus I was going to whether or not you said so." Bella appears from beside me.

"Shit. Teachers coming in." He hangs up before I can say another word and Brian pulls up beside us.

"You weren't even at the hospital! I waited there for like 2 minutes!" Brian huffs.

"Oh wow! 2 whole minutes?!" Bella sarcastically replies getting the car.

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