Chapter 22

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It's been 2 weeks and Matt hasn't said a word to anyone. He hasn't even stepped out of the house. I've came by every day and dropped off some food that my mom and I made for him but he never answered the door. Liz was always the one to answer and when I would ask her where he is, she would say "he's in his room". I don't know what to do. I want to help him so badly and help him realize that he has people that love him.

"I'll try again." Devin says over the phone.

"I just want him to realize that he doesn't need to isolate himself from us." I reply back and sigh as I look at his closed curtains and heading downstairs.

"He just needs some time alone." He tells me.

"He's has two weeks. Matt's probably going inside staying in his room all day and night." The though of him not eating makes me sick. I want to take care of him. I want him to know that I am always there for him no matter what. I don't know how to make him see that.

"Look, I'll go over today and you can join me. But we can't force him into coming down if he's not ready."

I sigh and sit on my couch in defeat. "Yeah okay, I'll see you soon."

As soon as we hang up, Scarlet and Tom walk into the room.

"Hey Bell," Tom says wrapping me into a tight hug.

"Hi," I reply hugging him back.

"Don't be so down. He'll come around." Tom laughs at himself. "Oh hey that rhymed."

I laugh a little before looking at Scarlet who is looking at me with pity.

"What?" I sign to her.

"He's going to be okay." She signs back while rubbing the palm of my hand.

"I don't know, he's like on another planet." I say out loud. "I have no clue what to do. All I do is sit and wait, hoping he will text or call me but he never does. What if he just stays in there forever?"

I look at the both of them but Tom is already gone.

"He won't stay up there forever. He just lost his mom he's going through a rough patch. You just need to let him know that you won't give up on him." She signs almost to quickly for me to understand.

"I know but I don't know how to make that clear to him. I've knocked on his bedroom door but it's always locked and I've left food for him. I think I'm just being to clingy. He probably is sick of me and just annoyed that I keep coming back." What is wrong with you Bella? Making this about yourself when this clearly isn't.

"I've got to go but I promise it will get better just keep trying." She signs before leaving with Tom.

I head up to my room before my mom starts making supper. I look at his curtains one more time and open my window. I take a deep breath and then knock on his window. After I wait a few seconds I knock again. Still no response. Well that's-

"Hi." I whip my head around and there he is staring at me with dark circles under his eyes.

"Matt, oh my gosh." I reply.

"I'm sorry." He says.

"You don't need to be sorry about anything." I say still in shock at the fact that he is actually talking to me and I can actually see him.

"I should have just opened the door for you and Devin. But for some reason I couldn't." He admits.

"It's okay, Matt. We understand-" he cuts me off before I can explain.

"Can you come over?" He asks and I smile at him.

"Yeah of course, I'll be right there." I say but he stops me.

"You can climb through the window." I look towards him and look down to the ground.

"Oh, yeah I don't know." I reply.

"There's no way you could fall, even if you tried." He says with such confidence.

"Okay," I say with a little unease. I put one foot onto his window ceil and then the other. He takes my hands and guided me into the room.

Not five seconds I'm in the rooms before he holds me head and kisses me everywhere. I mean all over my face. My forehead, my ears, my nose.

"Ugh god I missed you so much." He says while pecking my face continuously.

I laugh and abruptly stop when he starts kissing my neck. Now this is a feeling I could get used to.

"Matt," I whisper out just as he hits the spot.

"Yeah?" He looks up at me and I dang near fall apart in his arms right then and there.

"Are you okay?" I say stopping him from continuing even though it's the last thing I want.

"Well I'm better than I was two weeks ago. I've had time to think." I nod my head to his response and start running my hands through his hair.

"Think about what?" I ask.

He looks directly at me and says "the most important people in my life."

"And did it help?"

"I'm here with you right now, am I not?" He say which makes me melt a little.

When I'm around him I swear my emotions are everywhere.

"Yes, you are. And I'm really happy about that. You don't know how much I just wanted you to realize that you can talk to me, even if its just a little. I will always listen." He smiles at me and then lays down on the bed.

"Everyday that passed I thought you were going to forget about me or didn't like me, but then I would hear you outside my door or talking to Liz downstairs and I realized that I have you." Tears form in my eyes but I quickly blink them away before he notices.

"You will always have me, I need you to know that." I say and he looks up at me from the bed.

He smiles to me while grabbing my waist. "I know."

A/N: sorry for the late updates but y'all, 12k is unbelievable!!!! I love you guys so much and thank you for being patient with me!

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