Chapter 4

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A/N: I have not edited this chapter so I apologize for any grammar or spelling mistakes. Also this is a fairly long chapter compared to the rest so please bare with me.

Next thing I know I being woken up by someone jumping on top of me.

"Wakey wakey Mattie!" Liz squeals in my ear. Liz is 6 years old and the one thing I care most about in this world.

Quite depressing I know.

"Just a few more minutes," I groan stuffing my face in the pillow. I hear sniffles and I see my sister fake crying.

"Fine," I whine while picking her up and spinning her around.

Yup, I'm awake now, Liz is screaming and laughing in my ear.

I open my curtains to find a shirtless Bella.

I quickly close the curtains.

Holy. Crap.

I mean she had a bra on but still! I realize Liz is on my back so I set her down.

"She was naked!" Liz screams. "Mom! Mattie was looking-" I grab her and cover her mouth.

"Oh no you don't!" I say. I am in a boxers and nothing else so I let go of my sister and put some clothes on.

She just walks away and doesn't say a word. I decide on a white shirt with jeans. 

I run downstairs and realize is 11:30am.

"Finally! We are heading over to there house right now!" Mom says looking at me while I yawn.

I have messy hair and I look like a zombie. I sound like girl. I swear I'm a lot more masculine than feminine!

We all leave the house and Liz is on my shoulders while ruffling my hair even more. My mom has a pie in her hand that I know she did not make. My mom tried to bake but fails miserably.

We knock on the door 4 times before someone answers. I'm just about to knock again until someone opens the door.

"Sorry," Bella exclaims. She is wearing a hoodie and sweatpants. But she be looking so adorable. She then lets us in and we all sit down at the table which is set up pretty nicely.

There house Is kinda messy but who am I too judge. But there are a lot of people in such a small house so it's understandable.

"Hiiiii! I'm Margret!" An older lady says shaking my moms hand.

"Thank you so much for inviting us over! Oh and I'm Caroline!" My mom says while shaking Bella's moms hand.

"Oh it's no problem at all! I love company!" She says in an over cheery tone.

"Nugget! Tom won't be h-" Bella's brother stops taking in the view infront of him. "Sorry I didn't realize everyone was here. What I meant to say was Tom isn't coming."

"Where is he?" Bella asks standing up from her seat. If I didn't know any better I would say she is excited he is gone.

"Probably smooching it up with-" Bella slams her palm against her brothers mouth and then she whips out her phone with a huge smile on her face.


I instantly whip out my phone and text Scarlet.

Me:Please tell me he is with you!

She responds 30 seconds later.

Scarlet:And if he was?

I squeal. Yes, like a mouse.

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