Chapter 18

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Brian is such a little dimwit. Matt's mom is dying and he is complaining about how he had to wait in the parking lot for 2 minutes. 

I get in the back seat with Liz and run my hands through her hair as Matt gets in the front seat. 

"So Brian, another one of the girls you're knocking up?" I question and he glares at me through the rear view mirror. 

"Make fun of me all you want, I almost died not having sex for a week." He replies and I hear Matt snort beside him. I smile inwardly at Matt's reaction. 

"No way! A week, that's practically insanity! I'm surprised you didn't just end you're life because lord knows 1 week is too long." I roll my eyes once again.

"You're sarcasm is really pissing me off, Bell." Brian pulls up to a red light and Matt turns his head back to me. 

"I like you're sarcasm." He smiles at me and I smile back until he looks over at Brian and says, "Plus, I haven't had sex in lord knows how long and I'm still alive." I nearly faint right then and there but at this point, me fainting wouldn't be that shocking. 

Brian starts the car and tightens his hand on the steering wheel. "So that would mean you haven't had sex with my sister, correct?" He grumbles and I cringe.

"No we haven't Brian! So please let's just get off this topic," I beg and Matt laughs while he adjusts his pants. 

Wait did I really just that? Yes, yes I did. Was I looking at his pants and crotch area before he did that? No, no I wasn't. Okay maybe that was a lie but my imagination really likes to wander all over the place and that specific thing is where my mind likes going to the most. It's just one of my favorite things to think about. I quite literally make up different scenarios that go from on a desk, to in the middle of a dinner table. I may be innocent but at the same time I'm not. 

"See something you like?" My eyes wander from his crotch to his face where he is smirking at me and I quickly turn my head in embarrassment. 

"Alright, we are here." Brian pulls into our driveway and that's when Liz decides to wake up. It's almost as if she just knew. "Who the fuck is that?" Brian points to the red head on Matt's doorstep,  sleeping. 

"That would be Devin." Matt says as he exits the car with a large slam of the car door. Devin jolts awake and almost falls off the step. 

"Bloody hell!" He curses as he stables himself.

I exit the car with Liz walking very slowly behind me. 

"Mate, you alright?" Devin puts a hand on Matt's shoulder and stands up.

"I'll be fine once I accept the fact that she doesn't have much, or any time left." 

Brian enters our house as the rest of us wait outside of Matt's. 

"Why aren't you with her if she doesn't have much time left if you don't mind me asking?" Devin asks. 

"They said they would call if anything happens but I'm not allowed in the room because they are testing or whatever," Matt mumbles and I put my hand on his back and rub up and down like my mom does when I'm sick or crying. He looks at me and smiles a little.

"And he needs to sleep,' I add on to what he's just said.

"I'm fine." He admits and Devin raises his eyebrows as if he doesn't believe him.

"I say that exact same line every time I'm the exact opposite of fine." Devin says and I nod in agreement. 

The saying "I'm fine" does not mean what it used to. Now it usually means, "I'm doing horrible" or "Don't talk to me anymore". 

Matt opens his door and Liz immediately goes to the couch and falls asleep within seconds. 

We all follow behind and sit down on the couch and chairs. 

"Matt you should really get some rest. I'll be here to take care of Liz and I'll wake you if anyone calls." I say.

He eyes me and then looks at Devin. Shrimp, I can literally read everyone's face except for his. But this weird emotion crosses his face and he puts his arms behind his head and closes his eyes.

"I'm actually fine right here." He replies.

"If you're worried about me trying get with her, you don't need to worry." Devin adds and my eyebrows nearly shoot off my face.

"Wait, what?" I question and Matt opens his eyes and runs a hand through his hair.

"I'm not. I'm sorry, it's just that-" Devin interrupts Matt mid sentence.

"I get it. Just get some rest." 

Matt looks at me and motions for me to come over to him so I push in my chair and snuggle into where his arm is open for me.  He rests his head on top of mine and I hear him let out a deep breath. We are acting like a couple but the fact is that we aren't. He hasn't full on asked me yet, at least not from what I remember. God, why am I thinking about this? This is not important right now. I'm so selfish, like honestly this is the last thing I should be thinking about at the moment. 

"Bella," I hear Devin whisper and I look over at him. He motions to Matt and when I move my head ever so slightly, I recognize that he's fast asleep on my head. His lips are parted ever so slightly and up close, I've never seen how long his eyelashes were. 

"They way you two look at one another, you guys are fully in love." Devin says and I look over at him once again. 

"What, no." I deny but to be honest I don't think I've ever thought about actually being in love with anyone before. I'm already in love with a man and his name is Breton Thwaites. But now thinking about actually being in love with Matt, it makes me feel so weird. Whenever I'm around him I just feel so safe and comfortable. More comfortable with him than I have been with any other person but Scarlet. Oh my god, Scarlet! I haven't spoke to her in so long.

"Mommy," Liz whispers in her sleep as she brushes a hair out of her face. I run a hand through her hair and smile at her.

"They are so lucky to have you." He says.

"No, I'm lucky to have them." I reply. 

"Look, I din't want things to be awkward between us. I think you're an amazing girl and that maybe we could be friends. For the sake of Matt," I smile at him and nod my head.

"Yeah of course."

A/N: IM SORRY 3K VIEWS! YALL ARE AMAZING! And on a more serious not I hope everyone's eating until you look like an elephant in quarantine. I know I am! Anyways I really hope all of you are safe and that your family and friends are doing well as well as you. 

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