Chapter 19

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Bella had to go back to school today which I was totally fine with. The only thing I'm not fine with is the fact that I'm acting like a literal child at the moment. It's been a few hours and I already want to see her again. I feel weird without her here with me and Liz. 

"I got you some breakfast from Timmies," Devin says as he comes in the front door with a box of donuts.

"What are you doing here?" I ask and he lays down on the couch.

"I'm sick today," He winks at me and I smile at him.

"You really didn't need to do this. I don't want you missing out on school-" He cuts me off mid sentence.

"You are going through some tough shit at the moment so I would like to help you. As your best mate, it is also my duty to ask you about any current love interests," I tilt my head in confusion until I realize what he meant. 

"Wait-no-I mean-I don't think I-I never really thought about that." I admit while Liz starts waking up.

"Where's mommy?" Liz asks and I sigh in defeat.

"You'll see your mom this afternoon, okay?" Devin answers for me. "I got you donuts." He adds on and Liz has the tiniest smile on her face.

"What kind?" She asks while hugging the blanket close to her chest.

"Sprinkles," He say and Liz rushes over to the box. "You do love her mate, we actually talked about it while you were asleep."

I blink a few times before I respond to his question. "She said she loves me?" 

If she actually does love me, how am I supposed to react to that. I've never really told anyone I loved them before and I'm not even sure if I love her. I mean, it's not like I'm constantly thinking about her or anything. I don't dream about her or make up scenarios in my head about her when she's not around. It's not like I want to see her at every single moment of every single day.

"Well she pretty much acted the same way you are right now. Over analyzing it. When you love somebody you will know, even though I've never actually loved anyone before." He says while twisting a bit of his red hair.

"I think I do love her." I freeze the words that just came out of my mouth and Devin's eyes light up like flying saucers.

"You're not joking me?" He says in a thick accent.

"I don't know. I can't stop thinking about, even when my mom is literally dying in the hospital. I just want her here with me because somehow I think that she will make everything so much better. I don't know why I think that or what love even means but if it feels anything like what I'm feeling right now then I think that I really love her." I blow out a long breath after rushing through that very wordy speech of confessing my love. 

I've read so many romance novels and the way they describe their emotions, well it's exactly how I'm feeling right now. 

"Bloody brilliant!" He stand up and hugs me and I hug him back. 

"This is a little weird." I say and he just laughs.

"There is nothing wrong with hugging a dude." I laugh with him.

Once we break from the hug, I get a text from Bella.

Hey, I just wanted to know how you're doing.

"Is that who I think it is?" Devin asks from behind me.

"Yeah." I reply. 

I'm okay. We are going to the hospital this afternoon.

I send the text and then start typing again.

I miss you 

Dumb ass. You can't send that. You'll look to desperate and she probably doesn't even miss you. But she did text me which means she was thinking of me. 

Devin grabs the phone from my hand and presses the screen.

"Devin I swear to god if you did what I think you just did, I will kill you." I say and he smirks at me.

My phone dings again and I rip the phone right out of his hands. My heart beats faster than it ever has in my entire life as I open the text.

I'll come to the hospital after school. I miss you too

"See, there was nothing to worry about." I glare at Devin as Lizzy lies back down on the couch with sprinkles all over her face.

"Are you going back to sleep?" I ask her and she doesn't respond because she is already passed out.

I head over to the donut box and notice that 4 sprinkle donuts are gone.

"She ate 4 donuts. She's gonna be in a food coma for the whole day." I say and we both start laughing lightly. 

"You should probably get some more rest too," Devin says to me and I shake my head. "You're gonna need all the sleep you can get because I know for damn certain you won't be sleeping very well after- well after you know what." 

He does have a point. When my mom dies, I'm probably never going o sleep again. She was the person I wanted to become when I grew up. The parent that I could always count on to come to my games and ask for advice. When I needed someone to talk to she was always there for me. 

And now I'm talking about her like she's already gone.

"Your right. Wake me up in 2 hours if I ever actually go to sleep." 

"Actually can we just talk for a few minutes?" He asks me and I yawn out a yes. "Okay well I know this is gonna sound cheesy and shit but I might as well." He takes a deep breathe and then continues speaking. "I want you to know that I'm always here for you. If you ever need someone to talk to about girl problems or how often you should be wanking." I let out a laugh. "But seriously I don't want to loose you as a friend. I feel like I'm slowly loosing you to her and I really don't want to feel like that. I mean that's why I'm trying to be friends with her even though we were already friends at one point."

"Dude, you're not loosing me. I'm always gonna be you're best mate and when you find that special girl, I'll be right there with you." He smiles.

"Thanks man. On an honest note, I really don't think I'm ever actually going to find that person you are talking about but I guess we will see." I pat him on the back and ruffle his hair a little.

"You will find her. I didn't think I would find Bella but I did. Actually as cheesy as it sounds, I think fate did." 

"You have been reading to many of those chick books." Devin says.

"Those 'chick books' are actually very entertaining." I argue back.

"Whatever. Now go to sleep before I have to knock you out."

I close my eyes on the couch beside Liz and try to fall asleep. And I dream of her. 

A/N: Really 5k views! Thanks so much for all the support I love you all and I hope you and your families are doing good. Please don't forget to vote if you are enjoying this so far and maybe leave a suggestion of what you want to happen. 

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