Chapter 24

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I hate school. I've never been the type of person to despise school but at the moment it seems like it's the least important thing in my life. And don't even get me started on my brother. He's been so weird lately and it's like he's hiding something. No matter how much I try to get him to talk to me he just doesn't. I mean I get the whole mysterious young adult thing but, wait that isn't even a thing.

"And done!" I say with happiness as I finish the last mathematical equation. My happiness soon dissolves when I realize that it's 1 o'clock in the morning. I always knew I sucked at math but I didn't think I was that bad.

I check my phone and see that I only have a couple of messages.

One from Scarlet, one from Devin, and one from Matt.

Scarlet: I got new earrings!

Devin: Don't listen to Matt

Matt: Don't listen to Devin

Hm, well that's not suspicious at all.

I text all of them back and then lay down in my bed.
Life sucks.

Not five seconds after I respond to Matt he calls me.

"Bonjour," I say and he huffs on the other end.

"What did he tell you?" He asks.

"He said don't listen to Matt."


"And nothing else, what's going on?" I ask in confusion.

My mind starts going to all sorts of places like did he cheat on me? Did something happen between the two of them? Is he trying to break up with me?

"We saw your brother with a guy..." Matt says over the other end.

I freeze for a few seconds to try and process what he said.

"Like a guy friend? I know he's got a lot." I respond.

"No Bella," Matt sighs.

"Oh my god! He likes guys!" I say with happiness.

"You're excited?" Matt asks in confusion.

"Of course I am!" I hear Matt laugh on the other end.

"That's not the reaction I was expecting. Wait why are you up right now?"

I yawn and snuggle under the covers. "Homework took a little longer then expected."

"You spent all that time working on homework?" He asked in shock.

"Well yes, what else would I have been doing this whole time?"

"Mmm I don't know, ignoring me?" He says with fake sadness in his voice.

"Oh yes I've been ignoring you for the entire day because you annoy me." I roll my eyes.

"Wow you're mean!" I laugh and start to slowly close my eyes.

"I think I'm gonna go to sleep now, I'm pretty tired." I say honestly.

"Alright, I'll talk to you tomorrow. Goodnight Bella." He says.

I smile and say goodnight before closing my eyes.

"Bella!" Someone jumps onto my bed and kisses my cheek.

I rub my eyes to see Scarlet and Liz in my bed.

"Bella, Bella, Bella!" Liz says with someone in her face.

"Liz whats-" before I can finish she jumps up and down in excitement.

"Your friend did my makeup! Look at how pretty I look!" She says to me and I smile.

"You do look very pretty." I agree.

"Like my new earrings?" Scarlet signs as she points to the naked figures on her ears.

I smile and nod. "They're so cute!"

"Thank you, I thought that they really brought out the bi part of me." She smiles and I smile with her.

"Um hello, I'm still here." Liz says waving her hands up in front of us.

"We know Liz." I give her a hug before she pushes me away.

"Your gonna ruin my makeup!" She hisses and scarlet and I both laugh.

I get up from the bed and put on some actual clothes for once.

Today I decide on doing a black skirt, and a neon green tank top. Now don't make fun of the outfit because it's actually really cute in person.

"Alright ladies, lets go." I say.

"Where?" Liz asks.

"To Matt's." I reply looking between the two of them.

The both look at each other with fear in their eyes.

"Is there something I'm missing here?" I ask.

"Matt is busy right now." Scarlet signs.

"With what?" I reply.

They look at each other again. "Stuff." Scarlet signs.

"Seriously what's going on?" I start to panic and over think before I get a text.

Matt: meet me at my house at 6

Me: Why? What's going on?

He takes a few seconds to reply back.

Matt: You'll see.

"He wants me to meet me at his house at 6." I look at scarlet very carefully to try and read her face but she doesn't give anything away.

"He's planning a special day with you." Liz says and scarlet slaps herself in the face. "Oops." Liz says giggling.

Its 6 and I'm outside of Matt's door. The thing is as soon as I walk in I realize nothing is different.

"Matt?" I call out.

He runs down the stairs but stops when he sees me.

"Holy shit." He gasps when he looks at my clothes.

"What? Is it really that bad?" I ask covering myself.

"No no it's just I was expecting you to be wearing sweatpants. That's why I chose my bedroom for the location." My eyes nearly pop out of my sockets.

When he notices he quickly corrects himself.

"No no no that's not what I meant!" He runs a hand through his hair. "Just come and see!" He grabs my hand and takes me up the stairs.

When he opens the door I see lights dangling everywhere. At least 10 pillows laid across his bed, his TV set on the movie After. This is a very risky movie to be watching. There are glow in the dark stars on the ceiling and one candle beside the bed.

"Movie night!" He says with enthusiasm and I laugh. "You don't like it?" He asks me.

"I love it!" I tackle him into the bed and kiss him. He's thrown off guard for a couple of seconds before he grabs my hips and kisses me back.

"I love you." He replies and I hug him even harder.

"I love you too." I smile as I bury my face in his neck.

"You do?" He asks and I look him in the eyes.

"Isn't it obvious?" I smile and he blushes.

"Alright get off of me and let's watch this." He laughs.

I have a feeling tonight is gonna be really good.

A/N: SO SO SO SORRY for taking so long to update. Schools just started again and when I'm not at school I'm working to I'm trying my hardest to update! Anyways thank you guys so much for reading I'll try and get the next chapter up asap.

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