Chapter 25

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So I had this whole special night planned with Bella, that never happened. As soon as we were about to start the movie, Liz decided to start throwing up so we both had to take care of her. We put on her tv show and then we snuggled up in the couch. Of course Bella was kind enough to say it was fine but I've never had a real date with her and I was actually trying. Then it was ruined.

"I'm sorry." Liz says and Bella just runs her hand through Liz's hair.

"Don't be." She replies and I glare at my sister.

Bella gives me a annoyed look when I make the face so I immediately stop.

"After school tomorrow we are going to a bookstore." I say to Bella and she smiles however that soon changes to a frown.

"The football game is tomorrow." She says.

At the mention of football I tense up. I don't really miss it but I'd rather not go back and see my teammates play without me.

"We don't have to go." Bella says obviously noticing the expression on my face.

"No I do, but I don't. I don't know I feel like they don't even care that I'm not on the team anymore." I respond.

"You know you sound like me." She says smiling a little.

"How?" I ask.

"Your letting your anxiety talk for you when you shouldn't be."

I think about it for a few seconds. I never really thought I had anxiety just nerves sometimes. It's a normal thing for me to have nerves but for me to let it talk for me was not normal. At least I don't think because I've never really thought about it until now.

"I guess I am." I admit.

"Plus I'm gonna meet my brothers new love interest afterwards." Bella laughs almost a little bit to hard.

"You know your reaction really surprised me. I thought you were gonna be a little more shocked or in denial." I admit while bringing the bowl of popcorn over.

"Well I'm happy for him. Any girl he has ever talked about he always had this deep and sad look in his eyes and if a guy can make him happy then that's all that matters. Male, female, who cares?" She grabs a handful of popcorn and shoves it into her mouth as we hear liz's little snores.

"Alright I'll go." I say.

She looks at me puzzled for a few seconds. "Go where?"

"The game." I respond laughing.

She slaps my arm and huffs. "Look it's not my fault I have short term memory loss."

"Who else's would it be?" I joke.

She glares at me and starts looking back at the tv screen.

"I've gotta go soon." She doesn't look away from the screen.

"Are you mad?" By her not looking at me, one could only assume.

"No." She replies getting you and leaving before I can say anything else.

Woah. I leave Liz and go out the door to catch up to Bella.

"Hey!" I grab her arm and she turns around laughing.

"You should've seen your face!" She holds her stomach from laughing and puts her hand on her knee.

"Haha very funny." I mutter sarcastically.

"Okay, okay." She gains composure and starts breathing again. "I actually do have to go but I'll see you at the game tomorrow, right?"

I think about it for a few seconds and then nod my head.

"Text me." She says before she walks into her house.

The next day goes by so slowly. I feel like I've been sitting at this desk for two weeks. It's depressing. I remember why I never liked school. Of course everyone loves me and pities me but I suck at school.

The bell rings and I couldn't get out of that class any quicker.

I start texting Bella to see where she is. She texts back telling me to meet her at the field. My heart starts beating a little faster and I get this weird empty feeling in my stomach. I'm not going back to play football yet. My mom would always come watch my games and it wouldn't be the same without her there. Sitting on the bleachers will definitely feel different than actually being on the field but that emptiness without her is still there.

My aunt said she would take care of us for a little so we didn't have to live with my dad. She's actually coming tonight.

"Matt!" Bella calls over to me from a spot on the bench.

I walk over to her while getting a few glances from my teammates. This definitely should not be as dramatic as it feels.

"You came." She smiles at me.

"I did." I reply.

Devin looks over at us and starts waving his hand frantically. I start to laugh as Jordan punches his stomach.

"Who's that?" Bella asks me pointing towards Jordan.

"The linebacker. His names Jordan." I miss these guys. I didn't realize how much until just now.

"He's cute." I whip my head around and Bella starts laughing again. "I'm kidding, chill out dude."

I glare at her and put my hand right on her thigh. She tenses and shuts her mouth really fast.

"Now look who's laughing." I say taking my hand off.

"That's not funny." She replies.

"Yeah it really is." I stare at her and watch her emotions change when she catches me staring.

It goes from a grumpy frown to a deep blush in her cheeks. The crowd cheering when everyone runs onto the field gets my attention back towards what I'm supposed to be watching.

The game goes not so well. They loose by what I deem to be 50 points when really it was only by a few.

"You did really good." Bella says to Devin and he smiles.

"Don't I know it! Every girl watching was drooling over me." He brags while winking at me.

"Get over yourself man." I throw an arm over his shoulder.

"Mate we lost by like 50 points. We need you!"

"You guys did good though." Bella says.

"I didn't say we didn't do good, we just didn't do the best we could." Devin replies.

"I gotta get home. I'll talk to you guys later?" Bella says looking at her brother parked in the parking lot.

"Definitely." I reply watching her leave.

Devin looks at me as I watch her and I shove him off of me. "Hey!" He complains.

"Catcha later." I say to him.

I'd say overall, this day wasn't too bad. The game went better than expected and I got to spend some time with Bella even if it was only like 2 hours.

I was just overthinking everything. Because everything is good. At least right now.

A/N: thank you guys so much for reading. I forgot to post this chapter a week ago so I'm sorry for posting it so late!

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