Author's Note

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Hi everyone!

Thanks to opening this story😍

It is an plussze story 😉❣️.

Yeah again, because author is one among those😉....

I hope you will like it. 'Is it so' authors mind voice.

'Shut up'  scolding myself.....

❤️ It's purely my imagination. I didn't copy the content from anyone. So I expect the same. Please don't do copy! ❤️

All rights reserved ©


The images, names and the places which am using in this stories, nothing I owned. Its all I took it from the Google.

Please give your support❣️

And English is not my mother tongue. So it means basically there will be many mistakes🙈. Please adjust with it!

This story is completely different from my first one. So yeah you can give it a try😉. I hope I will entertain you!.

One thing I can say is, this story will move very slowly. Please adjust with it!

And even I don't know whether I can give the daily updates or not. But atleast will try to give 3 times update in a week. Am sorry for that dears❣️.

Thank you!

Today is my best friend Birthday . Thought of posting this story on her best day.

Am stopping here my blabberings😜

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