Chapter 44

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*** Double update for the day

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*** Double update for the day. As I didn't give double update for many days. And also for not updating properly. So its an compensation to that.....
       And forget to ask in last chapter. Did anyone expect that twist😬😪🙆‍♀️🤷‍♀️. Happy reading❤️***

 Happy reading❤️***

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Ezhilarasi pov :

"What he is your husband. What the fuck. How. When it is happened" Anna shouted at me.

" When it happened iniya" he asked me.

"Before 4 months it happened anna. It happened. He becomes my husband. He becomes mine. He is mine. I will cherish him Anna. He needs to be cherished. He needs to be Anna" I said to him smilingly.

He is mine.

I will take care of him like my baby. Like mine.

"How it happened" he asked me.

"It happened...." I said to him everything. How we rescued one girl. How we stayed in one temple. How the village people get us both married. Their punishments. Everything. How Vihaan, tied the nuptial chain.

"If you think, that Vihaan is a rapist. He wouldnt rescued one girl Anna. He wouldnt. And also he didn't leaved me in that state before the village people Anna. He is pure gem. He sacrificed his life Anna. He sacrificed. Yesterday, too he laid himself like a dead body in the hotel room before his aunty. I seen Anna. His aunty is the one who kidnapped my daughter midhuna. For the exchange Vihaan sold his body to his aunty yesterday. "I said tobthem

" What you meant by that "Anna asked me.

" He were getting raped for past 8 years. For past 8 years "I said to them.

" How iniya, he is a man. So how can a man will get raped iniya. He can  able to avoid that. He can avoid that right. He is man who can protect himself. How a man get raped by woman. It is impossible iniya. "he frustratedly said to me.

" No anna. He is raped. He was raped by giving him some drugs Anna. He was raped when he is 17...... "I said to him everything. Everything whatever Vihaan said to me yesterday.

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