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"Tie this nuptial chain over her neck" one man said to Vihaan and showed the thaali to him

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"Tie this nuptial chain over her neck" one man said to Vihaan and showed the thaali to him.

"What the fuck" I shouted at them.

"Tie this nuptial chain over her neck or you both have to accept the punishment which we announced before" another man said.

But you know what, this Vihaan is now too standing in his calm posture as always.

"Nooooooo" I shouted again.


"Please understand what we are try...." I started to say.

"Shut up woman." old man said.

"Okay, see! You are ri......" I Stopped my speech.

I looked at Vihaan face again. He too looked at me, just an blank face. The thing which they asking us to do is something I can't imagine in my life forever. No no no....... Its better that I can utter those words right.

" Stop everyone." I shouted at my top of lungs.

"You are right Am an Prostitute. An prostitute only, who is warming every man's needs. So please let us go" I shouted at everyone. I shouted,.....

Vihaan looked shocked at my words.

"We were aware of this, that you are an one prostitute. But let us check by ourself. How many men you will satisfy, with your big body. You won't crush us with your weight right. First let us tell how many men?. Because we are going to test you, thats how much of an men you are going to satisfy right now." one creepy man said to me. And started to come towards me with an ugly intention.

My whole world stopped. I thought they will leave me. What are they upto. Why they are not leaving us. Here too an body shaming.

My tears started to flow. My hands started to tremble. My whole body started to trembling. My breathing becomes difficult. I started to walk back. What if what if Vihaan leaved me. The... Then.... No oooo no no.... Ra. Rather I will di....

"I will marry her" Vihaan shouted  in his angry tone this time and hold my hand. My breathing become normal somewhat. But my trembling is still there.


"Congratulations on your marriage" that is the only thing I heard. Nothing is hearing to me as some woman is saying something to me. After all those things, after all my protest they didn't allow us. Tears flowing from my eyes. Why why!

"Follow me" I heard an voice.

No love marriage, no arranged marriage, just happened.

I too followed him. My very husband!. Just from 2 mins back.

I knows about him. But He don't know anything about me.Not a fucking thing about me. Am not supposed to marry. After all those incidents.

But this heart started to beat rapidly.


"Get out" Vihaan shouted at me. As soon as we reached far from them.


"Don't you dare call me by my name"

"Sir" he nodded his head.

"This has to keep in hidden. Did you get it." he sounds frustrated.

Yup why will he not. When he has his own girlfriend.

"Thanks" I said to him. Atleast he helped me right.

"No need. Just get out. Don't you ever fucking opens this matter to anyone. Did you get it. If I heard anything regarding this. That is the last day" he said to me very dangerously. I gulped.

I meekly nodded my head.

" No one will love you or marry you after seeing your appearance. But shits happen right. " he said to me. As I got out of the car. I looked at him with no emotions. It's better in this way.

I nodded my head.

In this early morning. I don't know where am.

But one thing I know, I won't be loved forever. Am an unloved, unwanted girl in this vast world.

Because love is not meant to me. I nodded my head as if am accepting it. Its true.

I started to walk in some direction.

With an only thought.

Will I be Ever Loved?

Eventhough I know the answer, it's no. But this heart yearns to be loved. And this Vihaan may be my husband atleast for now. He won't going to accept me. He clearly mocked my appearance. So there will be no love.

Will see, will I ever be loved or not.......

Will see, will I ever be loved or not

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Author's note:

Thank you all! First of all for reading this.

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Love yourself❣️

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