Chapter 53

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*** Okay, yesterday am not planned to end the story in cliffhanger. I written this part yesterday itself, but even before start to edit. I just slept by keeping my mobile in my hand itself. So yeah sorry for that😂😔. Sorry guys. Happy reading❤️***

Ezhilarasi pov:

"Leave them" judge said. As soon as he heard what I said.

"Objection your honor. She is some random girl, she is just trying to deviate this case your honor. Don't let her in. She looks like a manipulative. And your honor, we heard that many members that she is just being with Vihaan because for the pleasure. You know what I mean your honor. She Is a slut. She is having a daughter without knowing the father of the child. She is a prostitite....." Nayair stopped.

" Stop it, Mr. Nayair. This is court. You are a very popular lawyer but I didn't expect this from you ". Judge said. Wow.

" Sorry your honor " Nayair said.

" But whatever I said is true " he again said.

" So what "I asked him by going inside along with abinash. Lawyer nayair having fear right now seeing me with the evidences. Even the bitch,and prasanth too.

Murmurs were heard from everywhere.

" What if am a slut or Prostitute. Do you have problem in that "I shoutingly asked him. There is no one business to prep into my life and speak ill about myself. What they think about me. Fuck them.

" Order order " judge said. He looks kinda irritated.

" This is court not some fish market. Give some respect to the law " judge said.

" Am sorry your honor "I said.

" I like to produce some evidence against Mrs. Aruna, your honor "I softly said.

I hope Anna and pragathi are safe.

" Objection your honor. I think these people don't know the procedures. In order to produce the evidence. One have to do the documentation and produce the evidences beforehand itself to the court. Then only one use the evidence. Your honor it's a waste of time. She is trying to deviate the case" nayair said.

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