Chapter 33

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Ezhilarasi pov:

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Ezhilarasi pov:

They didn't identify me. This is what am thinking. Because, suresh Anna and abinash didn't asked me about myself. And didn't get angry over me. Basically they hate me right. They might have fully forget me.

But suresh Anna when he said that he is a navy pilot thats it. I just couldn't able to sit there for long. It is his dream. One time I asked him to bevome a pilot. But he just shamed me at that day.

He is my brother.

Then my abinash, he too present here.

They didn't liked me from the very first. Okay let's leave this. I started to do my work. Where Vihaan gone.

I don't know.

The fuck yesterday he kissed me. He really did that.

Before that he kissed my lips, yesterday my neck. What he is upto. Is he an manwhore or what. He is having his own lover. But he didn't even acknowledging her. What is happening. Ahh....

Something is fishy right. He is behaving like my previous vihaan who is always loevley to me. My Vihaan. For whom I fell in love.

My love.

Will it be any form of act.

Yes. But why?


Didn't he love ananya. Ahhh.

'He is loving her only. He is speaking with you because of midhuna. He loves midhuna, that might be the reason.' I said to myself.

But deep inside I know, that it's not true. How am going to identify it

I started to do my work, by keeping my thoughts at bay.

Half way through my work, I heard the lift sound. I looked up and seen that Vihaan is coming with suresh Anna.

"Good morning sir" I said to Vihaan.

"Good morning Ms. Ezhil" he said to me. Then I nodes my head at suresh Anna. He too did that.

I wish suresh Anna, accepted me as his sister. I always craved for brother love. Because in school I have seen many.

Brother love is different you know getting pampered from brother is something.

But poor me, didn't get the parents love, siblings love and even lover love.

Just because am ugly. Just because I had the tag named bad omen.

An plussize girl like me are never meant to be love. And an raped one.

I just sighed.

'Don't think Ezhil' I nodded my head. Then I started to do my work.

Suresh Anna tried to talk to me. But I didn't able to. Why, its because he trained me like this. He did a good job in my early age, so I couldn't come out of that.

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