Chapter 32

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Vihaan pov:

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Vihaan pov:

Atlast we all reached my home. Before iniya comes, it is just a place where I reside just like my hotels. But after she came, this place feels different to me. I smiled thinking at this.

I then get down from the car, iniya too get down along with midhuna. Followed by us, suresh car came. He and abinash get Down.

Fluffy look shocked at them. Okay she don't know that they were going to stay with us.

"Suresh and abish un.. Uncle too.. Ho.. Going.. To St.. Stay.. With.. U.. Us haaa super hero" midhuna asked me. I nodded my head.

"Yayayyy" she shouted and get down from her mumma.

"Suresh uncle" she shouted and gone before him. He immediately scooped her in his arms.

"Uncle uncle, am happy......" midhuna said at her uncle.

Abinash took midhuna into his arms. She started to laugh at him. They both started to speak about something. That's it midhuna entered into her small child world.

We all entered into the house. I gave the two rooms to suresh and abinash in fluffy floor itself.

After freshening up, I started to prepare the dinner. After sometime iniya too joined in preparing the dinner.

After 45 mins we both finished the dinner and prepared the table. Suresh and abinash came with midhuna.

Then everyone took their seats. Ananya still didn't come. Happy.

Iniya served all.

"Sweety eat" iniya said. Midhuna nodded her head.

"Thank you super hero" midhuna said. I nodded my head.

"Why thanks midhuna" suresh asked her.

"For pre... Preparin the food.... Mumm.. Mumma sa... Teac.. Teaches me to ss.. Say thank you to... Pre.. Preparing. The food" she replied to him cutely. Yes everyday everytime she will say thanks to me..

I smiled at midhuna.

"Good girl" suresh said.

"Mumma.. Ma.. Made me.. Good... Girl suresh uncle " she said at him.

He nodded his head.

"Hi" suresh said nervously at fluffy. Who is loo.. Looking shockingly at him.

"h.. H... Hi" she stuttered at him.

"Am suresh, Vihaan school friend. And he is abinash my brother" he again said nervously.

She nodded her head. Her hands were trembling.

I want to hold her and comfort her. But. But.....

".. I.... Am.. Ezhil" she said slowly at suresh.

"Nice name" suresh said at her awkwardly. Seriously....

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