Chapter 56

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*** Double update of the day❣️❤️

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*** Double update of the day❣️❤️. Happy reading. Please read the before chapter😊❤️. And please shower your comments***

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Ezhilarasi pov:

What he thinks himself. Vihaan you gone overboard this time.

I just glared at him and started to move out. How much he thought me , like I will leave him if he didn't have sex with me. Am I looking like a sex starved person.

Even am an raped girl right. Don't I know. Even if I didn't were raped too. I know his mentality, I know his sufferance. Can't I wait for him. Can't I.

He gone overboard this time that too very much, I must say.

But an hand grabbed me.

"Am sorry" I heard his voice.

"No Vihaan. Not this time. You hurted me badly. Am hurted Vihaan. Just leave my hand" I said to him not even facing him

"Fluffy please understand me. This is me. Am become like this fluffy. Am not that chocolate boy, whom you loved fluffy. Am having my own set of insecurities. Am having my own set of fucked up life. Am having my own set of fears. The fear of loosing you. The fear of seeing the disgust feeling in your face. The fear of getting reject by you. The guilt which am having, after knowing that am not a perfect partner for you. See fluffy. Please am sorry. You won't understand my situation. "he said to me slowly. I melted at his voice which holds more of sadness. His voice is quivered at last. I can understand him.

His heart needs him to live like others. To live with me. But his mind is not leaving him.

I first grabbed him along with me to his floor, before we both goes out of that meeting cabin. I turned towards him and wiped his face with my hands.

Once he is good to go. We both gone out, everyone is looking at us. But who cares. Once we reached our floor. I immediately took him in his cabin. Once we entered in, I closed the cabin and turned towards him. I made him to sit in the floor. I too sat opposite to him.

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