Chapter 35

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Vihaan pov:

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Vihaan pov:

Atlast I kissed her properly. But still my anxiety is there. I know it will take some years to overcome, if at all I came out of that bitch clutch.

Iniya is kept standing in a shock. I just intertwined my fingers with hers myself.Then, I grabbed her to outside. Everyone is waiting for us. Then I took my car, atlast we all good to go.

At morning, I got panicked when she tried to open that secret room door. I want to show it as surprise not like this. First I want to finish off her case. I want to get justice in her case.

"Suresh uncle, when will.. I.. Get... De.... Deree(Degree) " she asked him.

"Soon midhuna" he said at her.

"Mumma see, midhuna deree" she shouted at her. Iniya nodded her head at midhuna who is sitting over suresh lap.

"Midhuna happy" she said.

"Awww" suresh said and kissed her forehead. She too grabbed his face and kissed his forehead.

Abinash smiled at that.

A family.

This is all I want.

In next 4 days, I will get every information regarding my fluffy.

Atlast After 45 mins of travelling we reached abinash college, who is very happy to receive his graduation that too with his sister.

Suresh took midhuna in his hand. We all moved inside abinash college campus.

Abinash asked us to sit in one big auditorium. We all took our seat.

"Super hero, do you have choci" midhuna asked me slowly in my ear.


"Yes" I slowly said in her ear.

"Pease give me" she asked me. I just took out from my pocket and gave it to her. I always carry for her. She immediately took it from my hand and hide it in her back.

But she got caught to her mum ma's eyes.


"Midhuna no chocolate" her numma shouted at her.

"Mumma please, it's so... Bor.. Boron.. Am.. I will just e.. Eat... Chociii" she pleaded at her.

"You become bad girl midhuna" fluffy said.

"Midhuna no bad girl" midhuna replied slowly towards her.

Suresh took midhuna to his lap.

"Midhuna, don't cry" suresh said at her.

Iniya just nodded her head as no. She gave unbelievable look at us. Because of our support to midhuna.

Suresh just scracted his neck as fluffy glared at him.

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