Chapter 48

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Ezhilarasi pov:

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Ezhilarasi pov:

"Anna,  t.. They... Tor.. Tortured hi... Himm" I said to Anna in his embrace.

"We will do something iniya" anna said to me.

"We have to. Please vishal d.. Do something... Is there any way.. Is there" I asked him desperately

"Akka don't worry. I know what to do. Comeon. First don't cry akka." saying this he wiped my tears.

"Thanks, come... Fa.. Fast... What.. Can.. We.. Do now..." I asked him desperately.

"Yes vishal. Is there any procedures to begin with. As far as I know this 3rd degree treatment is illegal. But how could they. Can we approach human rights commision " Anna asked vishal. Actually it's a good idea.

"Yes Anna it's illegal. But its still some where following this. I will take care of this right now. Comeon Anna and akka" saying this he gone. We both followed him.

Once we reached the inspector room.

Vishal took the chair which is before inspector. Then he made both of us to sit. Inspector looked up at us.

"What are doing here. Get out." inspector said.

But vishal. Just coolly sat in the chair. I got panicked because of the inspector voice. Anna and vishal clutched my hands.

"Don't shout inspector" vishal said.

"Yes don't shout, see my sister having a fear right" Anna too said.

" So don't" anna shouted at him.

"Anna" I grabbed his hand. As I don't want him to get into trouble.

Already one man is suffering because of me. If only I didn't meet him in that hotel room, I don't know....

I don't want my anna now to get into any kind of  trouble.

"You were speaking with police. Don't shout at me" Inspector shouted.

"I want to file a complaint" vishal said.

We all looked at him.

"What" inspector asked vishal.

"You heard me right sir. I want to file a complaint" vishal said again.

"On whom" inspector asked.

"On you only" vishal siad.

"What" inspector asked. I looked shockingly at vishal. But Anna jut kept smiling.

"What, what sir. Don't you know, that you took Vihaan only on your custody. But that doesn't mean you can use your power over Vihaan. What you did to him. You used your power. Do you think that I will be simply sitting after seeing his condition." vishal shouted.

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