Chapter 46

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Vihaan pov:

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Vihaan pov:

Atlast police got the custody of mine. For investigation. I don't know what they were going to do with me.

Am currently in some cell in the police station. With me another two criminals were sitting in the cell.

Am not a rapist.

Am not.

But no one will believe me. Just because am a man.

Only good thing is my love is trusting me. That is the only happiness am currently having.

"Arrange the different cell for that rapist" I heard some voice from outside.

Am not a rapist.

Am not

I heard the cell opening sound, I looked up and seen that one constable is opening the cell.

What they are upto right now.

"Come on rapist" I heard his voice. I just looked up at him. I didn't moved even a bit.

But that constable just came inside and grabbed me along with him to some other room. Its been 2 days I ate. Yes I didn't had anything. Why I have to eat. How I will eat.


They bring me to some other room. They asked me to sit in the chair. Uff.

Still this handcuffs. Ahh, it's irritating.

The constable gone, after sometime I heard an shoe sound. I predicted that someone is going to come. After some mins, the inspector came and took the seat which is before me. Between us one table is there.

"Vihaan, the top 1 Big businessman right" he asked me. I just kept mum.

"Answer" he shouted at me.

So what.

I kept mum again.

"See Vihaan, if you do not open your mouth. We will have to use some other method to open your fucking mouth." inspector said in his irritated tone.

"See am asking you in my good mood. Just open your fucking mouth" he again asked me.

"Yeah" I said to him firmly. I don't want to irritate him more. Its better to cooperate them. Atleast will see.

Being an ceo.

" Mmm, good. Then coming to next questions. From when you started to rape" he asked me.

My mind stopped.

My heart started, this is not new for me. I mean past 2 days this is what am Constantly hearing right. But everytime, my heart is beating loudly.

I hate it.

I hate it.

I hate it.

My hands were started to tremble. See again am not able to man up myself. Here am getting trembling. Couldn't I get over this. Just a word, I mean just a shaming me is enough for me to get my panic attacks.

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