Chapter 18

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*** Thank you all for your immense support it means a lot to me. Crossed 100 followers🙈🙈, thank you thank you soo much❣️💕. Happy reading😍❤️***

Ezhilarasi pov:

"Open this door fatty" I again heard the voice.


"Give that girl to me. I can make her like her mother. I need more money girl. She will be the perfect for it " she started to shout behind the door. I just hugged midhuna tightly and closed her ears. I don't want midhuna to hear it.

Am only her mom.

Am only.

My tears were flowing.

Will Vihaan come.

That men were attacking the door, oh my god. The banging sound of the door was hearing continously. What am going to do now.

Did I have any choice.

What am going to do.

I can't allow that bitch to took my daughter away from me.

"Finish it off soon my boys. I will wait outside, in the car okay" she said and gone it seems. I heard her voice getting fade.

After 5 mins the door look like it will broke any time soon and fall on the floor.

I just made midhuna to go behind me. And then I turned towards her.

"Baby, please be here okay. Don't come out. Till amma call you. Okay" I said to her.

"Mumma pl.. Please am having fear. Who are they? " she said to me.

But she atlast said okay. So I gone before the door by taking the broom which is in the bathroom. And then took the iron bucket.

What am going to do.

The door falled. They both started to come inside to take midhuna with them.

But I started to hit them with the broom and the bucket.

They both moved out of the bathroom,because of my action. But as soon we gone out, one man tackled me and took hold of my hand. Oh n.... No.

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