10 Years Ago.

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It was all new to Gia. Having to get washed and ready on a Saturday morning to go and meet her friend at the small family owned ice cream shop just down the road. Gia got dressed as quickly as she could in a pair of black leggings and a cream jumper before starting on drying her long mousy brown hair. As Gia sat there drying her hair she did wonder if Becca was going to show up or if she did still in fact want to be her friend.

Since she had met Becca a few days ago, she often would wonder who she really was. Why did she help her out and more importantly how being friends with her was going to affect Becca. Deciding that she was going to face her fears of rejection and to be brave Gia, decided it was time to bid farewell to her parents and make the journey down the path towards the ice cream shop. Gia seemed very nervous as her soft green eyes scanned around her surroundings with each step she took, scanning everyone in sight and observing the way they walked or what direction they were heading in.

A smile spread across her face as she reached the end of the street, the cute but old ice cream shop sign was poking out from the wall with dull colours gracing the letters. The heavy rusted white door chimed when Gia pushed the door open, sending a sign to the workers that someone had just came in through the door. Frank, the owner of F&K Delights, smiled at Gia and carried on with whatever he was doing. Gia's eyes scanned the brightly lit shop before landing on an empty booth towards the back of the shop, she made her way to said booth and slid in, dropping her bag onto the floor and picking up the menu that lay on the table.

Gia couldn't help but let the negative thoughts pop into her mind as she sat and waited for her friend to show. She knew she was going to be early but that didn't stop her from wondering if she was going to be sat here for a few hours waiting only to find out that Becca was never going to show up and told her they would meet there just so her peers could laugh at her expense. The feeling of being humiliated played so heavily on her mind that Gia decided to get up and leave first, wanting to save herself from embarrassment.

Just as she slid to the end seat on the booth ready to pull herself up the little bells on the door chimed. Gia flicked her eyes to the door and almost burst with joy at the sight she seen. Becca was stood at the door with a big smile on her face as she scanned the crowded ice cream shop until her eyes landed on Gia, the smile growing tenfold. Gia moved back into the corner of the booth as Becca slid in opposite her and placed her bag onto the table, rummaging around until she pulled out a small crumpled five.

"Sorry I'm late, my mother was looking for money to give me. She wanted to treat us so what ice cream do you want and I'll go and get it?" The simple gesture in Becca's eyes meant a hell of a lot more to Gia as nobody had ever wanted to spend time with her never mind buy her an ice cream, Gia smiled at Becca and then looked down at all the ice cream flavours to make her choice "could I get a soft cone with one scoop of peach and raspberry ice cream please?"

Becca nodded her head and made her way over to the counter as she started to relay her order to Frank. Gia looked out the window and just by chance caught her reflection on the window, surprisingly her expression was one of pure happiness, the smile she wore was so big it made her cheeks hurt and even her cheeks had some colour back into them. One thing was certain and that was that Gia loved the feeling she was having, the feeling of having a friend.

Becca came bouncing over to the table with her and Gia's ice cream, trying her damn hardest not to break the fragile cone or to drop it. "Thank you" Becca smiled and took a lick from her ice cream "there is no need to thank me this was a treat from my mother" Gia took a few licks from her ice cream loving the cold taste running down her throat before she looked at Becca "not only for the ice cream but for wanting to be my friend" Becca was taken back by what Gia had just said to her, what was it about this girl that made everyone not want to be her friend?

Becca just smiled before a wicked thought flashed in her mind, just as Gia was reaching her ice cream up to her mouth Becca shot her hand out and tipped the cone causing the ice cream to envelop her nose. Gia's eyes widened at the shock of the cold fluid before she looked at Becca who was failing miserably to hold back her laugh. Gia couldn't help herself and pushed Becca's cone into her nose making the both of them laugh until their stomachs were sore.

Gia honestly couldn't remember the last time she laughed this hard and it was so nice for her to just be herself for a change. Becca decided to walk Gia home not really wanting the day to be over, since Becca arrived at Brooklyn she wanted to find a friend who she could confide in and who would be there for her, she could see that Gia was selfless and kind hearted, exactly what she needed.

"Thank you for today and also for walking me home, do you... do you want to come in? I can ask my parents to take you home as it's starting to get late" Gia opened the rusted red front door and stepped aside for Becca to follow. "Giannina is that you dear? We are in the lounge" her mother called as both girls were taking off their coats and placing their shoes onto the rack in the passage.

Gia led Becca towards the small quaint lounge where both Paula and David were sat, enjoying a movie with a slice of Mrs Kate's famous white chocolate and raspberry cheesecake. Mrs Kate had a tall glass of wine and was already two or three glasses in which was evident to Gia by the tinge of pink on her mother's cheeks "Mom, Dad this is my friend Rebecca Barnes, she is new to town." Becca smiled at her friends parents and extended her petite hand to shake both Mr and Mrs Kate's hand.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both, thank you for allowing me into your beautiful home" David smiled at the girl with appreciation for her politeness and offered both his daughter and friend to sit down on the sofa "Giannina sweetheart, go and cut up a few slices of cheesecake for your friend to take home" Gia raised to her feet and made her way out to the kitchen to do as her mother asked, not actually sure of how many people lived in Becca's house, Gia decided to cut up four slices and got to work in covering them in plastic wrap and placing each slice into a container box.

Gia placed all four boxes into a bag and walked back into the lounge to join her parents and friend, handing Becca a can of soda. "Mom I was wondering if you would be able to take Becca home as it is late and I want to make sure she gets home safe" it still felt very strange to Gia to say that she had a friend but even Gia could tell how relieved her parents were that someone had decided to befriend their daughter. "I can't sorry darling as I've had a few glasses of wine but your father will be able to take her home, you go with them and I'll get to work on warming up your dinner" Gia smiled at Becca as she thanked Paula and David for their kindness.

Becca and Gia both got their shoes and coats back on as Gia's dad went to warm the car up. Becca said goodbye to Paula and Gia grabbed the bag of treats ready for Becca to take home, the girls bundled out the front door and into the car, buckling up their seatbelts. "Where am I taking you Rebecca? What street do you live on?" Her dad questioned as he pulled out from the driveway and began to join other traffic on the road "569 Leaman Place Mr Kate" her dad nodded his head and applied his blinker to turn left at the end of Gia's street.

The drive wasn't too long and both girls just looked out the window at the other traffic on the road and the houses passing by. It didn't take 10 minutes before they were stopping by the side of the road next to a beautiful set of houses "thank you again for the lift home Mr Kate and please thank Mrs Kate for the delicious treats, I'm sure my family will love them. I will call you tomorrow Gia thank you for today" Gia just nodded at the girl as she smiled and waved to her friend who had left the car and was opening her front door.

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