I Know

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Gia knew what she had to do. After carefully looking through the past 3 years of bank records and finance sheets, she came to the same conclusion. Gia had checked and re-checked but once again the same result.

Gia stared at the proof in front of her when the office phone rang, an outside number. "RB Insurance this is Giannina" her voice sounded distant, cold.

"Hey, I was only calling to see if you could spare parting with my brother for a couple hours to meet with an old friend" Becca laughed. Gia hadn't told Becca how bad Bucky had got. How controlling he was being with her.

"I don't think that is a good idea.. I'm meant to be meeting Bucky after work" her voice didn't even sound like her own, she sounded hesitant and not once had Gia ever cancelled on her best friend.

"What is going on? For the past few weeks you've not called me or text me. You've been clung to my brother which isn't like you... Is he- Are you- Is he hurting you?"

Gia couldn't help the whimper that left her mouth as her eyes filled with tears. He had never hit her, but he used other ways to hurt her.

He was deny her an orgasm and punish her with sex. Bucky would demand that she tell him she's his. He would tell her the only way to make him happy was to give herself to him. To show everyone who she belongs to, a mere object that he had.

"He hasn't hurt me Bec, I just can't get enough of him and it makes me emotional how much I want to be with him" her broken sobs fill the tiny office. Becca didn't fully believe her best friend but decided not to push for now, demanding that Gia and Becca have a night in together over the coming weekend.

Gia composed herself and gathered the folders she needed, the time to speak to Bucky was now. Relationship or not she had to come clean with him about what she knew.

Gia knocked on his door, her heart beating ten to the dozen as she waiting for him to let her in. "Come in" his smooth cool voice sliced through the door, giving Gia goosebumps along her arm as she pushed the door open.

"Doll, I've missed you, come in baby" his voice softened at the sight of his girl, the uneasy feeling he had all morning now disappearing.

Gia closed the door and carefully eyed him, trying to work out how to tell him what she knew, to tell him something that was sure to break them apart. Something a part of her was happy to tell him.

"I know." The one sentence that he had feared left her lips, he could only look at her as she continued. "I have been looking through the finance balances and books over the past few years..

You have been embezzling money into the company and back out again for years. You needed a way to make it seem legit and decided to run the money through your company. What I don't understand is why?"

Bucky's tongue ran along his bottom lip as he shifted in his seat to look at her, his eyebrows lifting slightly. "And do you have any proof of these careless accusations Miss Kate?"

Gia threw onto the desk the folders containing his crimes. Bucky picked up the folders and flicked through them, he could see her hand writing all over the pages. She had highlighted certain areas and drawn circles around various funds.

Bucky stood from his chair and slowly made his way towards her, his hand grasping her throat as he pushed her into the door, closing in on her like a cage.

"You need to keep that pretty little month of yours shut. If I hear that someone else knows, believe me Miss Kate... I will end you. I was rather enjoying having you breathing-" His grip tightened on her throat, Gia's eyes now wide as she tried to pry his fingers open.

" -But if I have to.. I will take pleasure in crushing this perfect windpipe of yours. Have I made myself fucking clear enough for you?"

Gia, as best she could, nodded her head, Bucky's hand now wet with the tears that had fallen from her eyes. She didn't dare look him in the eyes but she knew his were cold, dead.

Bucky pulled her towards him by her throat and gave her a soft kiss on her lips before letting go. Her loud gasps were bouncing off his office walls as her hands cradled her neck, desperately trying to fill her lungs with oxygen.

"You can go back to work now baby. I will meet you downstairs at 6." It was as if it never happened. He was acting as though he hadn't almost squeezed the life out of her. Gia needed air, she needed space and so as quickly as she came.. She left.

Gia hurried back to her office and hoped no one would see her, she knew that her neck would be red and her face puffy from crying so the less she had to explain to others the better.

She sat down at her desk and let all of her emotions flow freely. Bucky, the man who, she was going to tell she loved, had been embezzling money from his own business into offshore accounts.

Bucky was a criminal and she now knew. Gia picked up her phone from her desk and opened her Internet browser, afraid that if she looked on her work computer he would be able to see.

Gia typed in James Buchanan Barnes into the search history;

The reputed head of Brooklyn’s notorious Hydra crime family has been shot dead on Brooklyn Bridge in the first targeted killing of a mob boss in the city in more than 30 years.

“Zola”Arnim, 54, was found with multiple gunshot wounds to his body at the foot of the bridge just after 9pm on Wednesday evening. Arnim was taken to hospital where he was pronounced dead. There have been no arrests. Eye witnesses claim in was the doing of James 'The Winter Soldier' Barnes.

She was numb. Bucky or as he is known to many as the Winter Soldier had killed someone, shot him to death. It made her skin crawl, it made her heart ache.

Gia couldn't believe that the man she had woken up to most mornings cuddled up with, the man who would laugh with her and hum along to a song while cooking her favourite meals was a murderer.

She finished up as best she could with the rest of the work day before she packed her things, heading down to the front doors to wait for Bucky.

Bucky stepped from the elevator and made his way to Gia, he knew that by now she had figured out exactly who he was but he would make fucking sure she wasn't going anywhere. She would be his.

Bucky pulled up outside her home, he didn't turn the engine off like he normally would which made Gia relax, she wanted to be on her own to think.

"I'm not coming up doll, I've got shit to do. What I do, I do for you. It's all for you" he leaned over the console and placed a kiss onto her cheek before turning back to face out the windshield.

"Where are you going?" She wanted him to tell her what she already knew. He was going to do something illegal but she wanted him to admit it to her. Bucky sighed, keeping his eyes forward.

"I will call you" and with that she opened his car door and left, keeping strong and not looking back, the sound of his car speeding down the street being the confirmation she needed.


Only 4 chapters left *cries*

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