10. Hallucinations vs. Incredulity

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So I worked hard on this! I hope you like it since I wasn't up to writing...if you haven't heard already my laptop, it died. Like a literal RIP service kind of thing. So all (and most my files, ideas and future works) is lost to me. I'm really depressed :/ But you know, I'm writing this on my iPad as we speak and I hope I'm doing a good job. I'll try ot keep writing as the days past but in my current state I can't make any promises, okay? :)

Oh, I'm thinking of doing a Q and A kind of thing. Ask a few questions and the Characters (or myself) depending on who you aim the question to, will answer in the next chapter. Sort of like a Magazine Interview :) I hope you guys can ask questions. It can be funny and totally out of order or serious, or whatever! From Juliet to the Queen, to William or Romeo or maybe even Karen or me! I hope you guys do, it would be fun :) x 

Picture at the side (I realized noone knows what the Queen looks like, so here she is):  Queen Elizabeth. 
Song at the side: Feels Like The First Time by Foreigner. It's old but I love it!  
Dedicated to: LivvinLuvvinLifee

I haven't proofread or edited so please point mistakes if you can! :) 

 Copyright Protected Hilda Therese [FallenInfinityBooks] 2012   ©

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10. Hallucinations vs. Incredulity 
Juliet's POV 

Geneva was brilliant. 

Fan-bloody-tastic. And no, this isn't sarcasm. Say maybe, I'm lost for words since my cousin is just the most amazing person like ever! I giggled, the music blaring loudly at my ears, the lights flashing in different shades: red, blue, purple, electric green and again--like a disco ball only flashy and slightly crazy. The music--the lights, It should all be annoying me since I wasn't much of a Hipster-Like kid that dances and grinds against some random, sweaty body like there's no tomorrow! Hmm, maybe I'm a little too much into the future! Let's go back, shall we?  

-Geneva's Entrance, Four Days Ago-

"Jesus, I don't know how you can still live like this!" Geneva exclaimed, horrified as she threw out random pieces of my clothing, onto my bed and down on my once-upon-a-time clean floor. 

It was safe to say she was on some sort of warpath. Glaring at her back, I contemplated on whether or not I actually wanted Ginny here...well, I actually did but I needed her to free me a little. Memories flashed into my mind: Geneva sneaking me some chocolate cake when I was sick, Geneva stomping on my 'Maidservant's' foot because she was 'annoyed', Geneva hugging me when I cried for hours after Mama died, Geneva....Okay so maybe I was being harsh on her. 

Geneva was the only one of my cousins that understood what it was like to be...well, me. She wasn't exactly the second in line to the throne, more like sixth or something and since I wasnt' dying just yet, she wouldn't exactly get it. But it was the fact that Ginny was placed in the same trouble I was--an arranged freaking marraige. Ginny was twenty-one, gorgeous and down-to-earth. Crazy too. She was hard not to like, especially when we were kids. She had an appeal and was obviously less intimidating then I was so in a way, I was jealous of my elder cousin. She had some freedom I didn't, she still had a mom... 

But it didn't take a super genius to realize Ginny and I were the same. Trapped. Where I was doing my duty for my people, Ginny was doing it for her father, The Duke of Wales who thought highly of her, always. My dear Uncle William had put his own daughters' happiness above his in a ploy to marry her off to someone like me. And like me, she hadn't met her 'husband-to-be'.

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