19. Hints

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It's short but it is the way it has to be! I swear to god the next chapter will have twice the drama :) 
Oh and sorry if this is sad :( 

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19. Hints
~ Juliet ~

The stained glass windows were gorgeous. Though the sky was a dreary shawl of grey the church still managed to look impeccably presentable. I think, maybe, that it was  because of the fact that it was Gothic. No bells were ringing yet as it was only ten in the morning but you could see their shallow insides when you looked high into the ceiling.

The nave was endless with a large array of grey sandstone stretching furthest towards the front of the cathedral and as we were only on the south transept we only saw about half of the place where the future Queen of England would marry.

That, being me.

“Don’t you think it’s beautiful, my dear Victoria?” My grandmother asked, holding her head up high in all the power that made her such a great Queen.

Bishop Lancester, the man who cared for Winchester Cathedral held a serene expression on his face and I wondered how much patience it would take for him to snap. Even if he cared for Winchester Cathedral he was also responsible for the ten or so other Cathedral’s that we’d visited in the two weeks I’d returned to England.

I smiled at the Bishop and nodded. Though all the other Cathedrals were large and could hold thousands of people they never connected with me. It was a silly thought but my Grandmother believed that I had to be at peace with myself—with the church that I would give myself to my country, my people and my husband.

Shutting my eyes tightly for half a second, I thought of that bittersweet moment full of lust and something that could be identified as love. Or more.

But I wouldn’t think of that anymore. I forbid myself to. Which was why the moment I’d gotten into my room I kissed Karen goodbye, told her to give my love to Steven and took the jet back to Windsor. Soon after I returned to my Queenly duties.

I hadn’t seen Romeo once. Or Alessandra for that matter…but now, it didn’t matter as much.

“Victoria,” my grandmother calls. "Have you made your decision?" 

The Bishop didn’t know my name—the name my family called me, it was private even under the eyes of God. It was what we had. I smiled towards my grandmother and a flash of joy and pride ran through her eyes so quickly that I’d almost missed it.

I made her proud.

“This is the one.”

~Romeo ~

“Hey.” Geneva entered my room and I watched as she plopped herself on my bed, not at all phased by the fact that I only had a towel around my hips with droplets of water falling into my carpet.

“Um…hi?” I asked, wary of how I should act around her.

“Do you know where Juliet is?” she asked, her eyes eyeing me as if I’d done something to piss her off.

What the hell did I do?

Well…apart from kiss her cousin—the future Queen of the United Kingdom—senseless and almost slip out the fact that I was falling hard for her? “How would I know?” I shrugged, “she’s your cousin.”

Geneva rolled her eyes but started fidgeting. I noticed that she did that whenever she was nervous. She gulped slightly then eyed me, this time without contempt. This time…with pity.

“I think she’s gone with my Grandmother…to look for venues. Cathedral venues”

It felt like I was sucker punched in the neck, my breath cut off and I knew I needed to sit down or I’d throw up in the carpet. Quickly, I sat on the lounge adjacent to the large king sized bed that Geneva sat on.

Staring down at my hands, I wondered for a second how it would feel to have my fingers intertwined with Juliet’s. Because our relationship had solely been three stolen kisses, a closet room in an American High School and endless teasing.

That was all we’d ever have.

“I’m afraid, you know.” Geneva whispered.

My head slowly turned to hers. She was right beside me and I hadn’t even noticed, not with her being so close. Her eyes were a warm, chocolate brown. Her hair was just the same with a slight tint of red in it. Her skin was soft, a creamy pale white with rosy cheeks.

She was beautiful.

But she wasn’t Juliet. I turned away, mumbling my question out as I did so. “Why are you afraid?”

“I’m afraid that you won’t realize in time.” 

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