2. The Call

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Thank you so much for the amazing feedback! I was like..."WWhoa, people actually like this?" I was seriously wide- eyed when I opened up Wattpad. Thank's seriously, for the votes and everything :) Could you do the voting thing again for this chapter too? 

Anyway, here it is :) Sorry for the wait! I hope you like it, Vote/Comment/Fan if you could :) Maybe even check out my other stories? Well...only if you'd like :) I might have another rant at the end ot this just to clarify some things about Jules :)

P.s. The photo on the side is Juliet's "Baby". If you read on you'd guess that this girl is very much in love with that sweet thang. It's also one of my favorites that I know I'll never get :( *cries* haha :)

P..P.S : I'd liketo dedicate this chapter to @rgan19 for her comments. You're so sweet! :) Thank's for the support :)

P..P.PS: I haven't proofread/edited it so if you find mistakes, point them out if you could please? :)  

Anyway guys, read/comment/vote/fan! x

Copyright Protected Hilda Therese [FallenInfinityBooks] 2012   ©


The Call

♚ Juliet’s POV ♚

I was pleased to say I got my notebook  back. Romeo on the other hand…I craned my neck to look at him from across the room. The blue ice pack was obvious as he held it in between his legs. He glared at me with hateful eyes but then winked to my surprise. Oh shit! He was planning something again…

“Now, I want you both to write an essay on what would be better than enriching your minds. Three pages minimum.”

“Are you serious?! I have practice! This will take forever!” Romeo whined like a little bitch. HA! Even here I could manage to have him pissed.

 Yay! I grinned and they both glared at me…whoa! No way. Two against one. Not fair.

“Ms Princeton, I imagine you have something smart to say?” Pummel said, actually staring at my legs. I shifted away from him feeling a little uncomfortable  before Romeo said:

Those aren’t her eyes, sir.” He says politely but Pummel blushes. Ha-ha! Take that you perverted freak! W…wait…did Romeo just defend me?

“G-get to it!” he stammers before leaving the room.

I turned towards Romeo who was writing on his book, he looked really…um…sexy. I hated to admit it but focused Romeo was all sorts of hot. His muscles were obvious as they popped out through  his white V necked tee. His blue jeans were hung low and he looked…er…edible.

“Take a picture, princess. It’ll last longer.” he said, surprising me as our eyes met. Shit! The intensity on those grey eyes made me melt a little. We stayed like that for a while before Pummel reentered the room, breaking our eye contact then left again. “You know it surprises me that you get pissed off when I call you ‘babe’ or something but not ‘princess’. Don’t you just seem a little up yourself?” he asked, smirking.

“Why do you even care?” I snapped. I did not like his question. Some things shouldn’t have to be dealt with…not just yet anyway. AND WHO WAS HE CALLING ‘UP YOURSELF’.

Keep your eyes in their sockets babe. I was just curious.”     

“DO NOT BABE ME!” I hissed.

“Alright…princess.” He winked then returned to writing.

We stayed like that and I actually began to write. I didn’t have to get full marks for this place anyway. It was all for show and it would end soon…hopefully later though. I began to write feeling mischievous.

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