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 “Get your ass out of the way! It’s fucking massive!” he hissed at me through the darkness.

I tried to straighten up but with what little leg space we had…well you could say it was plenty hard to move against a space that fits brooms and buckets. I felt something hard touch my leg and I immediately smacked it off.

He laughed. God his laugh was sexy but he was irritating as fuck! “Get your baby maker away from me!”

Baby it was just my hand. Relax. And stop squirming! You’re brushing into my tux and it’s custom tailored.”

Ugh. I couldn’t stand this guy! Out of everyone who I would be stuck in a closet with, it just had to be him didn’t it!? But then I got an idea…after all, it was quiet. They would probably stop searching for me by now…right? I turned around—carefully because I didn’t want to rip my dress, but I turned slowly and put my arms around his neck.

He stiffened. This was going to be too much fun! “What are you doing?” he asked, his voice sounding husky.

I ran my fingers through his hair whilst my other hand fumbled with the buttons of his tux. Wow—he was right! The tux was pretty original, custom tailored and all. “I’m giving you what you want. After all those weeks of teasing, I’m finally going to give you what you deserve.”

I purred trying to imitate an American accent. Ha-ha! He was going to be so pissed off after this! Oh gosh—if they found me, I’d gladly do what they wanted me to do if I pulled this off!

“God, Jules—,” he moaned. My name escaping his lips sounded so yum that I actually felt the need to rip off his clothes and take him on the floor.

He did this and I started to kiss his neck, allowing him entrance to mine. I’d be lying if I was saying it wasn’t turning me on. I realized that I was probably feeling hot for him too but I couldn’t let myself be distracted of his fit body! I laughed inwardly at what I was about to do.

I took both my hands away from his hair and waist and worked down to his pants. I could already feel him going hard, it was slow but it was there. His hands reached down to my waist and slowly worked their way down to my arse. I had to stop before I got even more into this then I already was.

He swore as he jumbled with the zipper of my dress. Ha-ha! Yours wasn’t the only one that was custom made! Seriously! I was too funny that after this I’d be on the floor—not having sex with his luscious body but laughing for what would be his shocked expression. I felt the zipper of the back of my dress start to go down.

Holy fuck! He got it! How could he have got it! Suddenly I pressed myself even more to him, finally feeling his erection on my hip. Umm…would I be lying if I said that felt bad? Cause shit I was so turned on that I would probably allow him to take my innocence from me!

Relax Jules! Deep breaths.

It was time to take action. I couldn’t hold the laughter in and I burst out like some sick minded idiot on the ground. There was such little space between us but it was enough for me to sink to my knees and hold myself whilst the tears came out. That was so funny!

I looked up and laughed even more at his shocked and angered expression! His…um…friend was still up and I couldn’t help but notice how…um…big it was. Shit…if I let him take me there it would have been so painful! Argh!

I immediately panicked at his dark expression. He didn’t look angry or shocked. His face turned to a grin. Shit that was sexy.

Was it weird that I was rethinking the size of his…um…friend? Snap out of it Jules! I said as the same time as he sunk his knees too. His knees were wide open and practically wide open into mine which were closed. He leaned forward and began to kiss my neck. Oh god that felt good! I bit my lip and tried to hide  my moan but it didn’t work to my embarrassment. I pushed him back…hard. And he ended up swearing even louder.

Shit! Juliet did you have to do that? I was just having  a little fun.” He said angrily. “You’re such a stiff!”

“Oh shut your mouth!”

“You can shut it for me.” he smirked.

Damn his sexual innuendos. Damn his fit body. Damn the fact that his friend was still visible in the darkness of the janitor’s closet and practically saying ‘Hello’ in giant neon writing.

“Ugh. You’re such a pompous arse.”

“I love it when you talk in your sexy British accent to me. You make me want you so much more.” he said in a fake British accent. Truth be told, it actually didn’t sound fake. I realized if we were facing each other, he’d be winking at me.

“Dim-wit. You realize I speak like this all the time?”

“Hence my point, babe.”

“Don’t babe me!”

Suddenly the door started to open, the knob shaking. I jumped up and practically tried to hide behind him as he started to pull up the zip of his pants. Shit! My dress was down too! I tried to reach my back and it worked—thankfully when the light started to appear from the other side.

“So this is where you’ve been hiding.” 

My Royal Engagement [PG+13] - [Royally Screwed #1]Where stories live. Discover now