13. Impossibly Possible

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Sorry I uploaded late beyond my promise! Wattpad wouldn't let me upload. I drove to my uncles's house to pick up his spare laptop and that is the reason you're getting this ! I'm so pleased for the goal reach! :) Anyway, I'm changing one of the characters, his picture is at the side and you'll find out who he is at the end of this :) 

Photo at the side: You'll find out who they are at the end! :)
Video at the side: Ragdoll. <3 
Dedication to:  randomthingsbyme


I've not proofread yet + pointing out mistakes would be oh so awesome! 
Votes, Comments and Fans would be much appreciated! x 35 votes go! :)

Copyright Protected Hilda Therese [FallenInfinityBooks] 2012   


13. Impossibly Possible
Juliet's POV

"I beg your pardon?" Queen Theresa asked, a perfectly sculpted eyebrow raised questioningly

I gulped. Oh right. I just cussed in front of a freaking queen...and my baby brother, my cousin and two tall boys...one of which were incredibly familiar. Holy sh!t. Instead of turning to face the queen and apologizing, I kept my eyes trained on his. Both of our eyes practically shouted billions of emotions: confusion, anger, betrayal, sadness, surprise. 

The air was thick with emotions and I could swear that if I had a knife, I'd definitely be able to cut through it. He shook his head for a moment, looking lost in thought, perfect black locks dancing as he did this. We both gulped as we looked each other up and down. His eyes trailed up my body sending shivers as he slowly stopped on some places, a fire built inside me when his eyes locked with mine once again.

Holy f*cking sh!t. 

This couldn't be my luck...this couldn't seriously be happening to me, could it? My life was already built up on truth and lies...Ugh. This couldn't possibly be true...could it? All this thinking is making me insane! Groaning internally, I couldn't help but wish for some kind of...distraction. Something to keep my mind of all this bullsh!t.

 "Is something wrong?" asked Ginny putting a hand on my shoulder. 

Thank the lord for Geneva. I took my eyes off his and turned to Ginny giving her a small smile...the only smile I could possibly muster. "Everything is perfect."

"Your majesty, I apologize for my sister's language. She's not been too well lately." James said, apologizing for me. 

In turn, I did my best to look back towards where he was and focused myself on Queen Theresa. That one time I met her she was lovely and kind...now I'd all but made a fool of myself because of him. I nod my apologies to the Queen and she shot me a small smile. 

"Do not worry young prince. Our Princess obviously has plenty on her mind. Now, enough of this! Princess Victoria, Lady Elizabeth." she said, calling both mine and Ginny's first names up. Ginny took my hand in hers nervously as we stepped further into the room. Now we were in perfect sight of our fiancees. 

We both curtsey to the two boys then took a seat  on the long lounge, Ginny and James sandwiched me in the middle whilst the Queen ordered tea to be brought in. My heart was hammering in my chest and I still couldn't believe my luck. Of all the people it had to be...him. It was that or I missed him like hell.

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