18. Starry, Starry Knight

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Wooh! Remember before I called it, KNIGHT IN SHINING NARCISSIM? Well, now he's the starry, starry night! Oh yeah, I know this has some swearing in it but I know it had once too. 

Um...okay, so I don't know if I'll let them be with each other.

It would be nice to know what you think! WHAT DO YOU GUYS WANT?! Do you guys want some Juliet-Louis or Geneva-Romeo? Do you want more of Aly? Do you THINK Steven and Karen should be here? What do you guys want? The next chapter is for you! :) xxxx





18. Starry, Starry, Knight
 Juliet's POV 

"How are you, Jules? In all honesty?" Karen asked, peering at me through her tinted sunglasses, a worried look etched on her face. 

"I'm fine, really. Just...really distracted."I answered, staring at Aly and Romeo who were walkingoff into the distance, looking deep in conversation. "Hey, Steven," I called. 

Steven was having a conversation with Ginny and Louis and somehow, it looked almost as if they were planning something. With a raised brow, I beckoned him over to Karen and I, the whole time, his eyes were focused on Karen.   

"What's that about?" I asked with a furrowed brow, "Planning something, are we?"  

He shrugged, giving me one of those non-commital shrugs that made me roll my eyes.  "Did you need me for something?"

"No...but I was wondering why you're not with your bestfriend. You dont see him all the time, you know?" I asked, hoping the plan building in my head would work. 

  "Eh, he's talking to Aly."    He said it like he knew her.

"You know her?" I asked, quaking a brow.   

He looked nervous then, his eyes wavering away from me and towards Karen who now seemed to eavesdrop to our conversation rather than focusing on her tan. "K..." I said warningly.   

They both knew something. My glare burned into her baby bump, shining with her golden tan before she sighed nervously.    "She's Romeo's childhood sweeteheart, Jules."

Romeo's POV

Aly smiled at me, her eyes shining with happiness as she peered at me through her lashes.    "I'm glad that Im here," she sighed, "I've missed you far too much, Will."  

"Same, Aly."   Them she did the unthinkable. I felt it before I could process what was happening. Her lips touched mine and Id unconsciouslty opened my mouth to meet hers. Our tongues danced with each other passionately, her fingers made contact with my hair that it caused something inside me to stir. I groaned into her throat before my eyes widened in realization. Fuck.

  I pushed away from her roughly, my eyes immediately drifting off to where Juliet...and my fiancee sat. Empty was the lounger Juliet had been laying on and the sight of a disapproving Karen had caught my eyes. She shook her head at me, spinning away, most likely to leave to where Juliet had run off to. Aly pulled on my arm and I sent her a cold glare which she'd winced to for a moment befor composing herself. 

  "You want me still." she said.

  "You're wrong. I want nothing from you but your friendship!" I hissed, "Why the fuck would you do that, Aly? My fiancee is sitting right across from us!"   

She laughed bitterly. "You care for her only because of the obligation you have to your country. Otherwise its heryou want. Don't you dare deny it."  

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