1. The Middle

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   Hey guys! I I know I'm writing other works but please don't doubt my writing skills! I don't mean to come off as up myself but I can really manage my writing time well! Most people don't know this but I'm going to say it anyway, I've got trial exams for the next to weeks so I might struggle with my uploading time as I'll be studying for the most part and will tend to avoid writing/procrastinating but since it's only TRIAL exams and not the real deal I'm just winging most of it but I will still study. Anyway you get the point but the latest I won't have an update will be 3 days but I WILL UPLOAD. I will have chosen one of my works at random and I'd appreaciate it if you didn't doubt me and just enjoy what I have. I'm only uploading this because of my sister who I'm also dedicating this to! She laughed so hard when I was writing this and I couldn't help but just give into her! Anyway little sis, this one's for you! 

P.S. Fan/Comment/Vote/ ENJOY! :) x

Copyright protected Hilda Therese [FallenInfinityBooks] 2012  


 1.  The Middle

Juliet’s POV

“Jules!” Karen snapped. “Jules I’ve been trying to get your attention for the past thirty eight seconds and you’ve been staring at that little screen of yours.”

She took my phone off me and put it in between her boobs. Great! “Hey!”

“Jules, seriously. I’ve known you since last Christmas, throughout Summer and we’ve done the craziest shit together. I just asked ‘What. Is. Up?’ with you since I haven’t seen your little British ass look this worried in months!”

I smiled. Karen was so observant! We both looked out into the football field where Mike—my boyfriend for over four months and Karen’s on-and-off boyfriend Steve (since they were in middle school)—were practicing. It was recess and the boys wanted to play a little game before class so Karen and I decided to soak up as much ‘last-minute-sun’ as we possibly could. It was mid-august which meant the sun was going to go away soon. I sighed at the thought.

“Jules. You gonna keep me waiting?” she asked, eyebrow raised as she waited for an answer.

I sighed. I couldn’t tell Karen the reason why I was so far away these days. Any time now and I’d receive a call. The call that would tell me whether I needed to make a decision or they would make it for me. I couldn’t tell Karen that I could be pulled out of school at any time—to do the inevitable. I shuddered inwardly at the thought of the word…eww. Matrimony.


“Princeton! Stop staring at my sexy abs you have a boyfriend!” My head snapped at the direction. SO INFURIATING! SO DAMN INFURIATING!!!

I saw his black hair and lightly tanned skin followed by his stormy grey eyes, full pout of  a mouth and his damned eight pack. Kill me now! Ugh. He was right…he was sexy. But he was…for lack of better word for explaining…a dickhead.

I narrowed my eyes at him and he chuckled.

“Jules…babe, you’re eyes are going to pop out if you don’t stop looking at Sex-on-legs” Karen whispered, finally allowing me to tear my eyes away from Romeos’.

Did I mention his name was Romeo? I know—totally cliché! I was teased for it the first couple of weeks and I guess it wasn’t going to get any better now in English Class. ..do you know why? Because my teacher thought our senior play for our Drama module should be none other than Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet! As if I didn’t have it bad already.

I really hated my parents for my name.

“Leave my girl alone, Cartwright! She needs a break!” Mike said, cutting off Romeo in his mid-antics on how amazing he and his body were that other’s girlfriends couldn’t keep their ‘lustful eyes’ away from him.

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