22. Unfortunately

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Oh my gosh. Only three chapters left! And the next one is a doozy! SO LONG! And so many things happen lol...this is a teaser and so completely unexpected. I love you all. Please vote for me? It would make me extremely happy! You guys make me happy. And your comments do too....please tell me what you think? I know it was unexpected, unfortunate but I hope you understand that these things happen in real life hence my immediate kidnappythingy. Lol. 

Anyway...I'd appreciate all the votes so please VOTE, COMMENT IF YOU LIKE AND FAN IF YOU WISH! 



22. Unfortunately 


Two days later and a few times that I’d been knocked out with sleeping gas despite Romeo’s anger a man wearing a crisp suit came inside the room with a spectacular, triumphant smile on his face. It scared me because those were the kind of smiles that send little girls to sleep in their parents’ rooms. Never me yet something in his smile seemed so morbid that I looked towards Romeo as soon as I could.

 It made me feel horrid the moment I did.

From top to bottom Romeo had been beaten, bruised. I could still see his gorgeous face yet there were cuts on his cheekbones from the knuckle-rings he said one of the guys surprised him with. Thankfully, he was no longer tied up. But we were not allowed near each other. The CCTV camera watched us the whole time and I felt like we were being tortured for being apart.

The man wearing the crisp suit seemed…familiar, almost.

“Oh Princess, who knew that it would have been so easy to take you from your little nest?” He cooed softly, a bitter laugh escaping his lips.

It sent shivers through my body…and not in the way of beauty as Romeo had. In a way, I was shitting myself right now. “Who are you?”

His head snapped quickly towards me and he had the nerve to scowl. “Are you kidding me, your majesty?”

“If I knew who you were I’d be bargaining for mine and his life.” I said, nodding my head over to an unconscious Romeo.

They’d never come in whilst he was sleeping…and if they did, I’d never know. The sleeping gas affected the both of us but his system was much stronger, fought the gas much faster and therefore he allowed himself to be subjected to their disgusting acts.

“Fair point, my dear Victoria.”

I winced, “you don’t have the right to address me without my title. You take me, here, against my will. Your future queen no doubt from your accent. Who are you and what do you plan to do with me and William?”

It felt weird, calling Romeo by the name everyone knew him as. But I’d never refer to him as William in my mind…he was Romeo. The boy who made people happy through his thick-headedness and assholeish ways.

He smirked and it was frightening. Still, I didn’t show my fear. Couldn’t show my fear. It wasn’t pride either…it was the fact that If I was to go down, I’d go down as Princess Victoria, Heir to the Throne of the United Kingdom…not some willy, nilly girly-girly who’s scared of dying. It might seem weird, unbelievable…but this was the way I was raised.

‘Head held high, no one has the ability to look down on you. You are powerful above all, yet equal to those who seek it.’ My grandmothers’ words rung in my mind and kept my head screwed on right.

My Royal Engagement [PG+13] - [Royally Screwed #1]Where stories live. Discover now