11. His Intensity

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I repeat. This is not Restricted Material. PG13+, yes but not Restricted or MA. I just used foul language at a past chapter and it bit me in the buttcheeks. Anyway, hi! :) Do you guys mind doing a favor for me? It isn't much, I swear and you might even like it! You'll know it at the end of this chapter!

Oh and most of you guessed who her stranger is but thats' the beauty of it ! I hope you guys still like it :D

Photo at the side: A smiling Juliet! 
Video at the side: Some Nights...Juliet shouldn't get drunk. 
Dedication to:  dark_kisses, Juliet does get herself in tight spots aye!?

I've not proofread yet as I typed this up on my iPad. Pointing out mistakes would be oh so awesome! 

Votes, Comments and Fans would be much appreciated! x

Copyright Protected Hilda Therese [FallenInfinityBooks] 2012   


11. His Intensity  
Juliet's POV

The very first thing I thought when I cracked my eyes open this morning was: I'm going to kill Geneva. Why, you may ask? No...it wasn't due to the pounding headache that stopped me from having my eyes open for more than ten seconds. No. It wasn't due to the fact that I smelt like sweat, alcohol and...well, more sweat. No. It wasn't due to the fact that I tried to open my mouth and couldn't come up with coherent words...

No. I believe it was none of that.

It was because when I woke up...I woke up in a room that wasn't mine or Ginny's to begin with. I tried to crack my eyes open again but the light streaming from the french balcony windows prevented me from doing so. After muttering some annoyed profanties I groaned and sat up, my eyes still closed and my head feeling like someone had been hammering it. Somehow I felt like Superman. I could hear something...it sounded like metal clinking against metal, glass hitting a table-top...a hissing of boiling water. I could hear the traffic outside which told me it was probably noon or some kind of peak-hour, I could hear the muttering of two voices..

And that's what snapped me out of my little reverie. The voices. 

I got up, instantly freaking out and wondering what happened. I was taken by strangers and though my identity had always been disclosed from anyone who wasn't apart of the royal family...well, they could be bad kidnappers. For a good eight minutes I was freaking out on whether I had been drugged. Now...if you've ever had a hangover...you'd know thinking is  bad, bad idea.

Because your head would hurt even more.

Groaning, I stood up and looked for a mirror, thankfully there was joining bathroom. My eyes took their time to look at the bathroom, to seek something that would give us an idea of where I was but I was immediately stopped when I saw myself. 

Holy shit.

I looked, for lack of better words like Ursula from The Little Mermaid. Pardon me for my damned Disney reference but damn! I looked absolutley horrid. My hair was like a haystack and not an attractive one you get from hanging out with farmer boy over night, my make up--both my smoky eye-shadow and red-lipstick had smudged all over my face. My eyes were completely bloodshot--the biggest flare telling me I had one too many to drink the night before. And my dress...well, it was ripped up in most places but still quite intact. Dammit! All I needed were tentacles and I'd be a living, breathing Disney Villain. Great. Just flipping great. 

"Shit." I muttered, running my fingers through my hair, hoping that it would at least be a little nicer to me for today but with no avail. I sighed. I seemed fine...I didn't feel any different in my southern area so these people were either: 

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