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The light shone through the curtains right onto Jinae's face. She scrunched her nose and covered her face with her hands trying to hide from the bright light. She suddenly heard footsteps and the woosh sound from the curtains being forcefully opened.

"Jinae get up sweetie" Her mom hummed.

She groaned in response and threw the blanket over her head.

Mrs. Park sighed and ripped the blanks from her and threw them onto the floor.

Jinae sat up quickly, hair all messy and eyes wide.

"Jin is here to bring you to school so hurry and get ready," she said through gritted teeth. Mrs park smiled and walked out of the room and gently closed the door from behind her.

Jinae looked at the clock next to her and realized she had 45 minutes to get ready AND get to school.

She paused for a second before jumping from her bed and rushing to the bathroom. In the process of doing so, she tripped over the plushie the got yesterday and she fell onto the floor and groaned out in pain while rubbing her butt.


"Is..everything ok up there?" Jin asked

"Oh sweetie she's fine, just as clumsy as always" Jihyo laughed

Jin awkwardly chuckled and paid attention to the floor, trying to ignore the awkwardness between the two.

"Jin" Jihyo said in a more serious tone, "I think we should talk about the situation. I can't keep it playing pretend like things are normal between us just for the sake of my sister"

Jin's expression was blank, nothing.

His thoughts were pulling him back to that day..the day he swore to move past.
"It's not you're fault" was all he could say.

Jihyo looked dissatisfied with his answer.

"But it was. If I wouldn't butted in between you guys would still be together"

The atmosphere around the two became thick and full of tension. How could things turn so quickly with a simple question?

"Just forget it"

"Forget what?" Jinae stood at the bottom step with a puzzled look on her face, eyes switching back and forth between her sister and her temporary 'boyfriend'

"Nothing, Let's go," Jin said as he snatched Jinae's hand.

She grabbed her bag on the way out of the door, Jin still practically dragging her.

"Jin?" She called out..he ignored her and tightened his grip on her wrist

"Jin" Jinae said a bit more sternly

He continued to ignore the girl as he walked down her driveway.

"Jin are you okay? Did something happen between you and Jihyo?"

Still no respone


"WHAT" Jin yelled in Jinae's face, you could practically see the veins popping off his neck.

Jinae stopped in her tracks, causing Jin to stop too. The two were now facing each other in the middle of the road.

Jinae looked sad. She could feel her chest get tight and her throat get dry like she wanted to cry. Being yelled at was one of the things she hated most in the world.

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