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I closed the locker room door while silently laughing to myself. "Jin, why are you hanging out with her all of a sudden" TaeHyung said. I walked to my locker and grabbed a towel out. "Why are you talking to me informally?" "Sorry..Hyung" I pulled my shirt over my head and pushed my arms through my shirt. "I haven't really paid much attention to the people that need paying attention to. I've always wanted to talk to her but I just thought that people wouldn't like it if I did" Jungkook nodded his head and slipped his blazer onto his arms.

"Look Hyung, I'm gonna be extremely honest with you. You're kind of being hypocritical"
"Oh please TaeHyung "You told her not to let anyone dictate her happiness but you clearly let someone dictate yours" TaeHyung shouted.

I slammed my locker shut causing TaeHyung and Jungkook to jump. "Listen TaeHyung, I know what it feels like to be alone and have no one there for you so I'm trying to make her happy and make myself happy as well. I know it was stupid of me to think that but I don't need you to rub it in my face ok. I was so caught up in the popularity that I lost myself, so now I'm trying to find myself" TaeHyung stayed silent while looking at the floor.

I grabbed my bag and flung it over my shoulder while walking to the locker room door "Hyung..Do her?" I looked down at the floor. Do I? What if I see her as more than a friend? "Doesn't matter Kook. What matters is that I make those around me happy." "But is that what you want?" "I don't know Kook" I could feel a tear form in my eyes. Jungkook walked closer to me and patted my arm. "Hyung Don't lose yourself again..." "I won't" I ruffled Jungkook's hair.

I walked up to the lunch line and grabbed a metal tray. "Oppaa" I heard a small voice from behind me. Hyebin walked up and ran her fingers along my shoulder. "Hyebin we've been over this, don't touch me" She pouted "Jinnnn don't be like that..we can fix this" I moved up in line and put some kimchi on my lunch tray. "Jin I'm sorry, I really am" "Sorry? Is that all you have to say for cheating on me with my best friend?" Hyebin looked down at the floor. "Is that why you're dating that get back at me?" "I would never stoop that low unlike some people" I narrowed my eyes at her. "Bye Hyebin"

I put my tray back and put the kimchi back. I had completely lost my appetite and I never pass up a meal. I walked down the center of the seating area.

"Wow he's so handsome"
"should I confess?"
"Jesus how can someone be so handsome"
I'm more than just looks you know

"Jinae!" I smiled. She looked up slowly from her book and closed it while looking at her hands.
I don't know why but my heart started to race and I couldn't help but smile. I pulled out a chair and sat right next to her.

"Where's your lunch?"
"I didn't want it..What about you?"
"I lost my appetite"

We stared at each other for a few seconds then a light bulb went off. "Hey Jinae are you busy today?" She shook her head no. "I was thinking that we should try the whole hanging out thing again. Would that be okay with you?" She smiled "Ok" "Good.." I smiled back "I'll text you were we can meet up" I started to stand up but she called me "Jin..I don't have your number" I chuckled "Sorry, Give me your phone"

She handed me her phone

"Here, see you later" I winked


No one POV

Jinae looked down at her phone while smiling
Her eyes traveled to Jin's contact name.

Oppa ❤️


I really loveee writing this story and tysm for all the love and support on Eat Jin ♡

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