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First Date
Part 2

play song-miss right, bts ✏️

"What do you want to do first?" Jin asked the girl as she walked beside him. She stayed silent for a bit as her eyes traveled to something behind him. Looking over his shoulder Jin eyes were met with big googling ones. It was a big purple stuffed elephant hanging on a hook above a carnival game. He looked back at her and she looked away "Do you want it? He he questioned her. "you don't have to-" "I want to and it's cute just like you" "Shut up" she blushingly looked down at her shoes.

Jin walked up to the Carni and put 5000 won on the booth. "Grab that mallet over there" Jin followed directions and with the mallet in hand he slammed it down on the pad. The pin shot up but not nearly enough to hit the bell. "Awwww good try better luck next time" Jin looked over at his 'girlfriend' and she looked at him with a weird look. "Jin you don't have to-" "No I'm gonna win it for you"

He slammed another 5000 won on the booth counter and lifted the mallet over his shoulder and brought it down on the pad again. The pin shot up and almost hit it put the pin quickly shot back down as it did up.

5,000 won soon turned into 20,000 won.
"Jin please don't spend all your money on this stupid game" Jin looked at his money pilled high on the booth counter and put down the mallet. "This game is rigged anyways" He said while staring at the vendor. "Let's go get on a ride" Jinae pointed to the various rides over the several booths of games. "Ok" "How about the roller coaster" She smiled while pulling his hand. "ROLLER COASTER?"

1 roller coaster ride later.

"Look at your face, it's all scrunched you" Jin pointed at the photo that the received. "Yeah that's because all your screaming freaked me out" She giggled. "Yours looks even worse." She pointed at Jin's bulging eyes and red face. "All right, All right...Yow win let's go get some ice cream"

Jinae POV

"Ok" I sang happily. Who doesn't love ice cream right? All of a sudden his hand slides into mine as we walk. My heart beat was so damn loud I could practically hear it through my ears. Calm Down's just a hand. BUT IT'S HIS HAND. I could feel my cheeks and ears become warm as he slowly started to squeeze my hand.

He looked down at me and smiled "You look cute when you blush you know that?" "Shut up" He chuckled in response as he turned back to look up a head. *I can't look at him..eye contact is the worst* I just looked down at the ground the whole time, letting his hand guide me.

I heard his sneakers skid across the pavement as we came to a halt. What did we stop for?

"Hyung?" I heard a familiar voices call out causing me too look up. It was those two boys from the locker room..what was their names again? "Jungkook and Tae? What are you doing here??" "We're hanging out" "Jin Hyung!" an energetic voice came from behind them. "Jeez stop being so loud" a grumpy voice came from right next to him.
"Who's that?" The grumpy voice said. I looked up to meet his judgmental stare. He had mint green hair with cat like eyes, he was wearing light blue jeans with a rip in the knees, An white oversized t shirt, black leather jacket and black converse to match.

"Yoongi Hyung that's is Jinae" Taehyung answered.
"Hey" Yoongi murmured. "Hi" I said waving at him gently.  "That guy to the right of him with the orange hair is Hoseok" Taehyung pointed you the right of Yoongi where the guy was. "Hi I'm Hoseok but you can call me Hobi. " He smiled from ear to ear. "Hello" I said with a little shyness peaking through.

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