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"Pork Ramen! For table 4" The waitress yelled. "Coming right up" Jin said while grilling the meat. He added seasonings to the pan causing the sizzle to grow louder. This sound was like music to his ears. All is life he grew up in the kitchen helping his parents cook. It ignited a fire in him and Jin was determined to fulfill his dream of being a chef.

Jin's mother came up to him and rubbed his back "My hard working boy" She smiled "I've got this last one, go in the café next door and relax. "Eomma I can-" "I wasn't asking Seokjin" his mother said with a stern look on her face. Jin let go of the pan and took the hand towel from his apron to wipe his hands. He bowed to his mom and muttered a small 'thank you'. He walked out of the hot kitchen wiping his forehead with the same towel he used for his hands. He entered the dining room and by the looks of it, it was pretty empty. It was almost closing time so Jin didn't pay much mind to it. He walked towards the entrance as he took off his chef coat and he heard a small sneeze. Jin looked in the direction of the sneeze and at a table by the window he saw Jinae. He smiled a started to walk over to the table.

She had her head in a book and her glasses were sitting on the edge of her nose. Jin pulled out a chair and sat down in front of the girl. She looked up and smiled a little bit "You work here?" She said while pushing her glasses up with a her index finger. "Yeah my parents own the place" Jin looked behind her as the sun was almost set. "Wow I wish my parents could own a restaurant, I'd probably eat everything before they'd get to open it" She chuckled. Jin laughed a little "So I'm assuming that pork ramen is yours?" He said while raising an eyebrow "Yeah how'd you know" she smiled "You're the only person left plus I started to cook it for you" he played with the fur on the girls jacket. "Oh" she blushed and put her head down. Jin laughed and patted the girls head. "Jinae we should be good friends, I wanna know more about you." "Well it would be nice to have a friend who isn't stuck up and who cakes their face and not like the kind you eat either" The two laugh at the same time.

Jin heard the kitchen door swoosh open and saw the waitress come out with a hot bowl of food. "Pork Ramen" the waitress sat down the bowl in front of Jinae "Thank you" she smiled and. Jin watched the girl close her book and place it in her bag. She took her chopsticks and stirred the bowl
of noodles, she picked up a piece of pork and noodle, blew on it and set it in her mouth. "Mhmmm omg" She closes her eyes and took a deep breath in. "This is sooo good" Jin almost had a heart attack. If there's one thing that could make his heart's food and to see someone enjoy food as much as he does, it makes him so happy. "I'll leave you to enjoy the food." He got up and pushed the chair back in and made his way back into the restaurants kitchen but he stopped in his tracks "Jinae My shift ends in about 20 mins. Do you wanna hang out?" Jinae looked at him with a blank expression. "You wanna hang out with me?" she said with a full
mouth of food. "Meet at the Café" Jin turned around and walked towards the kitchen door "Who wouldn't wanna hang out with me..I'm Kim Seokjin see ya in 20"

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