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"How was the kiss?" Jinae's body jumped causing the cup of water to spill on the floor. She stared at me with wide eyes and I could see her cheeks visibly turn a light shade of pink.

 "W-What kiss? I don't know what you're talking about? I-I didn't kiss anyone" I laughed and walked around her to grab a bottle of water and a cup from out of the dishwasher. "I saw you dummy" Jinae bent down to pick up the cup and put it in the sink "I don't know what you're talking about Jihyo" She replied with her back facing me. "Oh please, you're not fooling anyone..especially with that smudged lipstick of yours. You might as well just tell me Ji" She ignored me and took off upstairs with me soon following behind her.

Walking into her room she took her coat off and hung it on the coat rack. I stood in the door way with my arms crossed and a small smirk on my face. She's gonna tell me eventually. I know my little sister and she has a short amount of patience so even if she doesn't spill I'll just have to bother her until she does.

"It was a nice kiss" she murmured. "It was really sweet and it felt like my whole entire body was being tased or something" I giggled at the cute description and sat down on her bed as she moved around her room. " How was the date?" I asked. Jinae replied with "Good" What? Good? just good? "That's it..just good" She shrugged her shoulders "This was my first date ever so I don't really know how these things work..And I wasn't so sure what to expect". 

I rolled my eyes at her.  "Oh please Jinae you know damn well you loved it" I could see the redness on her cheeks all the way over here. "Fine maybe i did, it was my first kiss." I smiled and i ran to her  "AWE my little sister is growing up" i cooed as i pinched her cheeks. She swatted me away and giggled a little. 

"So" i posted against the bedroom wall as Jinae sat at her vanity and brushed her hair. "What's next for you two?" I smirked. Jinae stared at the floor silent, i couldn't quite read the look on her face. "Ji..what's wrong? is everything okay?" i moved a little closer to her. "Nothing..i'd rather not get into it right now plus I'm too tired to explain anyway"

 My heart hurt. She was doing it again..pushing her feelings aside and refusing to open up about the situation. Jinae has always been like this ever since we were kids. I

 decided not to question her further about it "i'll see you at school tomorrow yeah?" She gave me a small nod and with that i exited the room. 


I kind of feel off. I barley even know Jin like that so how could i develop feelings for him, i really am stupid. I understand that no good thing will come out of this so i'm backed into a corner. A part of me really likes Jin but then the other part of me is throwing up caution signs. 

I started a soon to be migraine coming so i gently massaged my temples and sighed. "I'll deal with this tomorrow" i whispered as i slid into my comforter and drifted off to sleep. 

If only i knew what tomorrow held, i would've stayed in bed. 

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