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Meera rewinded that day again. "That's a surprise! " He had said with his pretty twinkling eyes and that had got her heart. It was one the best surprise from him! She had loved the house so much that she urged to him asking to shift there as soon as possible. " I want to watch sunset sitting on the swing with you in our cozy balcony! " She had said and that had made rashmeet's heart flutter! How cute can she be??

She hesitated a bit when it came to tell their parents. Because , in a few weeks of her marriage this new home was liked by her. She was so used for having Geeta and Satyajeet at home , their talks together , everything. Satyajeet was a fatherly figure to her and he reminded her of her own dad! Now that he was retired and all home , she got to know him well and their duo was the best! Geeta was no less too! She was a cool mother-in-law and they had a great bond.

Now , looking at the packed big boxes she sighed. Rashmeet took things pretty soon , they were shifting to their new home. She smiled sadly looking at her empty room. A tear rolled down her cheek when she remembered how she had to come to this room on their first night. But what happens , happens for the best. They had still not shared a room. She still remembers , how he used to look in her eyes when she used to go to her room. She could see it in his eyes , the wanting. But it was taking time. Their relationship has been good so far , and she didn't want to spoil that.

" Meera? " She heard his voice.

" Yess!? "

" Are you ready? I've asked ramesh to shift things. Everything is done , you coming? "

" Yess... " Her voice was heavy. It was time. She moved out with heavy steps and saw Geeta and Satyajeet were waiting for her.

She ran into her arms and hugged her. " Maa" she called. She was sad , she would be missing her so much!!!

" I will miss you maa! " She said crying.

" Heyy!! I will miss you too!! Don't cry!! We would visit you!!! " She cooed her and kissed her forehead. She hugged jeet too and patted her back. Rashmeet's heart warmed looking at them.

Meera is such a good soul! Within such short period , she got well with his parents!! She loved them , cared them as her own! Not every in-laws relationship goes best. But theirs was!! Meera was like their daughter !!!

" Promise me , you will come there to visit me!!! " She asked and they did. Rashmeet hugged his parents and bid them bye. He was sad too , but he masked his emotions well. Finally after many good byes and promises the young couple left for their new journey-the journey of their own life , together from now on..


Few hours later :

Meera and Rashmeet together make their room. Though , Rashmeet suggested the helpers but meera declined saying she would like to decorate her house by own. They seperated their stuffs.

" Okay , so... This is yours and this is mine. Help me shift this to this room " she says pointing to the extra room they had.

Bilwildered , he looks at her. " Why?" He asks.

" What why? We don't share rooms , as far as I remember.. " she says her face gloomy.

Rashmeet stood silent remembering that night. He slowly moved towards her and held her shoulders.

" Meera... I'm sorry for whatever I said that night. I was angry and things weren't good then-"

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