Chapter 3

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I stuck my arms out, trying to feel my way around the darkness, but when I reached out all I felt was air.
What is this place? One minute I was just in my bedroom, then suddenly transported to wherever I am.
I had the urge to keep walking, to try and find some answers. Did I really fall asleep that quickly? Or am I... Somewhere else?
"Can anyone hear me?" I call out into the void of darkness. Frustrated, I sighed.
"Keep going - walk straight until you see a light."
Startled, I frantically glanced to my left and right. It was as if someone was in here with me. But a creepy voice telling me where to go was better than nothing. Or was it?
Blindly, I put one foot in front of the other, willing myself to venture forward. After waking for several moments, I had reached some kind of light source.
"Touch it," the same voice from earlier on whispered.
I hesitated. What if it was a trap?
Shining like a multicoloured disco ball, the light source appeared harmless. What could it do anyway? Besides, I never die in dreams.
My hand reached out to touch it, and suddenly lights started flashing again and I was blinded by the sudden change. Everything was blurry and disorientated - it was like watching something through another person's eyes. Gradually, my eyes adjusted and my vision became clearer.
The outline of something very strange entered my sight. The moon shrouded the image of a castle in the distance.
I glanced up and saw a beautifully lit starry night.
Where am I? I wondered as some kind of creature flew overhead.
The outline of a person grew larger as it came toward me.
Maybe he/she will be able to help me figure out where I am.
I stood my ground as I waited for the person to make their way over to me.
I squinted slightly. It was a boy who looked around my age. He appeared to be harmless, and not armed. "Who's there?" I called.
As he neared, I relaxed the slightest bit as I took in his jeans and t-shirt.
"Who are you?" His eyes widened. "You look... weird."
I gave him the evil eye. "Wow, thanks," I said dryly, a sarcastic edge in my tone. "'Cause that's what every girl wants to hear."
He blushed. "Sorry, it's just... you look oddly familiar."
My eyebrow furrowed as I stared at him, baffled. "I doubt we've met before."
"You're not from around here, are you?"
"Where's 'here'?!" I cry out in exasperation.
"That doesn't help me! Which continent?"
Now he looked confused. "Continent? What's a continent?"
I gasped. "This isn't funny, what is this place?"
"Athosia, I've already told you this. Where else would we be?"
I grew dizzy, my vision blurred and I couldn't think straight. "Just answer me this - are we on Earth?"
A puzzled expression entered his eyes, and he tilted his head. "Earth?"
Just before I fainted I saw the worried look on his face, and I felt myself slipping into unconsciousness, darkness enveloping me...

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