Chapter 1

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I groaned in dismay as my alarm clock started beeping redundantly. All I wanted was to sleep in, was that so much to ask?
I threw off my covers and grudgingly clambered out of bed.
I sighed. Lately I've been having strange dreams that seem too much like reality. If only I could ever escape the reality of this life.
I ran a brush through my long, curly black hair, trying to make it look halfway decent. Not that it mattered - my hair just wouldn't be tamed.
After throwing on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, I tossed a book in my backpack. Jane Eyre. Who cares about some 19 century fictional orphan? Unfortunately for me and the rest of my class, our teacher was forcing us to read it. Yay.
I pressed my ear up against the door. It sounded as if my parents were still sound asleep - thank goodness for that. With an unbearable, overprotective mom, and my wacky dad who's expectations are way too high of me, my life has been like a never-ending roller coaster.
Too bad I hate roller coasters...
I crept out of my room, and made my way downstairs to grab a fruit to eat on the way to school.
Slipping on my shoes and shrugging into a sweater, I went outside, closing the door shut behind me.
The fallen leaves crunched under my feet as I strolled alongside the road. The beautiful mixture of red, orange and yellow leaves swirling in the wind made me grin. Today was going to be a good day - I could feel it.
As I strode into my school, the contrast from outside was striking. I felt slightly out of place as I walked throughout the halls until I reached my two best friends, crowding around my locker.
"AVA!" Sasha squealed. "You won't believe what happened last night! I can't believe you wanted to stay home."
I narrowed my eyes in confusion. "What do you mean? Melissa said we weren't gonna hang out yesterday."
Belle shrugged. "She probably got it confused."
I rolled my eyes. The new girl, Melissa, was always 'confused' when it came to leaving me out of my friends outings.
"Still, I won at bowling! I'm the champion!" Sasha bragged, tossed her hair over her shoulder.
Belle's blue eyes widened. "Oh no! We had to read chapter 10 of Jane Eyre!" She smacked her forehead. "If Ms. Wilson calls on me with a question, I'm dead!"
Well, at least I didn't go with my friends yesterday, which meant I read the chapter.
"Not much happened," I assured Belle. "I'll cover for you."
She shot me a grateful smile. "Thanks."
I spun my locker combination around until it clicked. I yanked open the door and stuffed my things in there. Grabbing my books, I slammed the door shut.
Me, Belle, and Sasha started to walk to class when suddenly the queen of annoyingness showed up, falling into step beside Belle.
"Hey Belle! Love your shoes! Awe, Sasha, that shirt is totally cute!" She glowered at me, linking arms with Belle
Didn't anyone see how fake she is? That syrupy tone, her feigned smile? It was as if she put them under some kind of spell or trance, but she wasn't fooling me.
Melissa's a phoney, and only I know the truth.

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