Chapter 24

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I blinked my eyes rapidly, realizing I was staring into the face of the man who kidnapped me and Jason.
I sat straight up, my eyes wild with fear as I twisted my body around to look for him in any direction.
"Your friend is safe, darling. He's in the other room," the man told me, and nodded toward a door to my right.
I relaxed the slightest bit. "Okay. Who are you?" I questioned.
He hesitated.
"Why'd you bring me here?" I demanded to know.
"You'll find out soon enough."
"At least tell me your name," I pleaded.
Sighing, the man stared at me, his eyes boring into me. "Its Nald Landersun, and I know that you, Ava Eccles, have been searching for me."
I felt lightheaded as I slipped into unconsciousness once again.
Gosh I need to seriously learn to control this...
I heard a voice in the distance, as if it was a far away dream.
"Ava," it whispered urgently.
I opened my eyes, and found myself in that dark 'room', the one between worlds.
"Nald will do everything in his power to get answers. About you being the Light Hero, about how you will stop the worlds from colliding, about the fact that you're special in a way very few can comprehend. But you need to trust him - he would never hurt you. Nald and you are-"
Then my eyes opened for real, and I was staring into Jason's brown eyes.
"Jason," I whispered, a relieved smile creeping up my face. "I'm so glad you're okay!"
Was the reason I kept fainting because of my Light Powers? Did they effect me somehow?
His face lit up as he leaned forward to pull me into a hug.
Stunned, I hugged him back, smiling slightly.
"I was worried sick!"
I buried my face in his hair. "Me too." After a couple seconds, we pulled away. "How long have I been asleep?" I asked, glancing out the window.
It was morning - the last thing I remember that it was late afternoon when I fainted/fell asleep or whatever.
Jason and Nald glanced at each other, a look that I couldn't quite comprehend.
"Since last night?" I questioned.
Jason bit his lip, not meeting my eyes.
"You've been out cold for nearly two days - since Saturday evening."
"What?! What day is it today?"
A grim look on his face, Nald replied, "Monday."
The bright sunlight shone through the window, yet this day is not happy in the slightest bit.
"Why didn't you wake me?" I demanded to know, standing up. My knees suddenly buckled underneath me and I fell to the floor.
"Ava! Be careful!"
Jason reached out his hand, and I grabbed it, falling back onto the couch.
"Ugh, my legs hurt."
"To answer your question, we did try to wake you, but nothing worked. Jason was about to kiss you and see if that helped, but you woke up just before he got the chance.
Of course, I thought bitterly. So close, too.
I stretched, desperately hoping that Jason wouldn't see the faint blush creepy up my face. "So, what'd I miss?"
A glimmer of a smile flickered across Nald's face. "Well, Jason and I got acquainted while you pulled a Sleeping Beauty on us."
I gawked at him. "How do you know Sleeping Beauty?"
"Jason mentioned that you looked like someone named Aurora and that apparently it's an ancient legend, dating back to many centuries ago."
I nodded, dazed at how neither knew that it was a princess movie. Smothering a smile, I said, "so why did you kidnap us?"
Nald sighed. "Ava, you don't know how important you are." He paused, staring down at his feet. "Do you remember your mother?"
I sucked in a breath sharply. "My biological mom?"
"Yes. She was the most beautiful woman in the land."
"You knew her?" I asked in amazement. "How?"
"Your questions will be answered. Be patient. Do you know anything about her?"
"I don't even know her name."
"Clarissa. Your mother's name is Clarissa," Nald said softly.
I bit my lip, fearing tears would soon rush to my eyes. "Why didn't she want me?" I choked out.
"She did, Ava. She loved you so much... You were all that ever mattered to her - you were Clarissa's top priority."
Tears brimmed in my eyes and one slid down my cheek. "No," I said forcefully. "She gave me away... there's no excuse for that, other than the fact that she didn't care about me, didn't want me. How can anyone love me when my own mom didn't?"
"Ava, listen to me, she's always wanted what's best for you-"
I rambled on, "I only found out a few days ago that my whole life is a lie! My mom and dad aren't actually my parents, and I wasn't even born on Earth! Everything I've ever known has been taken away from me! So don't tell me that my mom wanted me! If she wanted me she could've kept me! Loved me! Instead she threw me out like I was trash," I said bitterly.
"You don't know the full story."
"And I never will unless I meet my real mom!" I shouted.
"You want the truth? The whole story?"
I glanced at him expectantly. "I'm listening."
Nald sighed. "Fine. But make yourself comfortable - this might take awhile."
"Nald, I will wait however long it takes."
He settled down in an armchair facing me, slightly to my right. He pointed to an identical one on the other side. "Sit, Jason." Nald looked back at me. "So stubborn, so much determination. Just like your mother."
I winced. "Was she kind?"
"She was one of the most amazing woman I've ever met. Caring, sweet, completely generous and selfless, Clarissa was someone that everyone loved. She even raised a dragon," Nald chuckled. "She helped me through a very difficult time. See, Clarissa's parents were friends with me and my wife. When my wife fell ill, I knew I had to practise magic and even though I was risking everything, it didn't matter. All that mattered was for her to get better - I figured that there must be some way to heal her. But she died, and I was in mourning. Clarissa helped me through a tough time, and for that, I'll be forever grateful. After Audrey, my wife, passed away it was only me and my son left. His name was Jerome. When my wife died, I wouldn't talk to anyone but Jerome or Clarissa, and I didn't see her parents at all. Cutting off contact from the outside world, I decided it'd be best if me and my son would move into the woods. Clarissa visited often, and she'd end up playing with Jerome a lot. Mind you, they were both about nine years old at the time, and didn't have a care in the world. Until Clarissa's parents died. Everyone thought it was me, that I'd been using magic and sorcery. But I didn't. I would never hurt Evelyn and Philip. They were my best friends."
At once I realized that Evelyn and Philip were my grandparents. "So you've been living alone for all these years?"
"Until Jerome grew up and left home, yes. But Clarissa and her sister had no one to live with, because their parents were dead, so I invited them to live with us."
I glanced around the room. This is where my mom grew up? Under this very roof?
"Clarissa jumped at the chance to move in, she was thrilled. But her older sister wasn't so easily convinced. She even considered the fact that I was actually to blame, that her parents were dead because of me. She finally gave in, and agreed, but she moved out three years later. I haven't seen or heard from her since. Your mom was very happy, though. She loved the serenity of the woods, the fact that her pet dragon could live nearby without raising suspicion. Everything was perfect."
"Then the most surprising thing happened. Jerome and Clarissa reached the age of eighteen, and I feared that I would lose both people who I cared about. She was like a daughter to me, and I couldn't stand the thought of both of them leaving. Then Jerome announced that they were engaged. Shortly after, they got married. About a year later, Clarissa decided that she wanted a baby. You were so beautiful, so frail, so fragile. The most amazing little girl. Clarissa loved you more than anyone else in the world - you could see it in her eyes, that she never wanted to let you go. But she had to. There was no choice other than to have you safely hidden from the evil."
It took a couple moments for my brain to register what Nald said. My mom got married to his son... that means... That means Nald is my grandfather!
He smiled sadly at me, tears of joy in his kind eyes.
I felt tears slip down my cheeks as I got up and went to hug Nald. My grandpa.
Things might not always be as they first seem, but at least I'm learning some parts of my past. Now I just need to focus on my future.

So, that was more of a personal chapter, background information. I hope you enjoyed getting to know a bit more of Ava's history!
I've posted a few books on Wattpad, and it gets kind of hard to update a lot, so I'm sorry if I don't upload as many chapters as you'd like. Also, I'm very grateful for all of you who read and enjoy my books, and I want to thank you all for being patient and for your support!
Also, check out some of my other books if you want!

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