Chapter 11

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I crossed my arms, expectantly waiting for him to continue. "So?"
"There's not much to tell. I guess it started several years ago, when my mom disappeared without a trace. Dad had looked all over Desridore searching for her, but it was like the queen vanished into thin air. Ever since then, dad's changed. He grew obsessed with you."
A shiver was sent down my spine as I suppressed a shudder. "Not you, exactly, but the girl who would save Desridore. He assumed that when peace is restored, my mom will come back."
"Do you believe that too?" I asked softly.
Jason hesitated, then shook his head. "No. My mom abandoned me. She wasn't killed or kidnapped - she ran away. I guess the stress and burden of a child was too much to handle."
I reached out and squeezed his hand comfortingly. "I'm sorry," I whispered.
"Well, anyway, my dad had heard of the book of prophecies, and he was keen on finding and reading it. I located it, though, and gave it to my brother for safe keepings. I told my dad that I found it and will give it to him when I felt the time was ready."
"Which was recent, huh?" I said dryly, raising an eyebrow.
"Desperate times call for desperate measures."
I nodded. "So you knew I was coming?"
"Not you exactly, but someone who would fulfil the prophecy - which is you."
"But you assumed it was me when you found me in the meadow?"
Jason hesitated. "I wasn't sure what to believe... I didn't even know if that book was true. But when I saw you the first time, there was a feeling enveloping me, and I couldn't quite understand it. Now I think I do, though." he stared into my eyes, his cheeks red. "When I saw your picture in that book, I knew it must be true. It is. You have to go to Virvania, wether we like it or not."
I shot him a teasing smile. "We?"
"Yeah, I don't want you to leave, are you crazy?" He took a step closer.
I blushed. "Your dad is probably wondering where we are..." I trailed off.
"Let him wonder."
I bit my lip, glancing up into his eyes.
"I have something that you might need." he broke eye contact, and flew out the door.
I stared after him, then went back to the task of finding a weapon.
After several moments of looking, I settled on a small dagger, and a bow with quite a few arrows, along with a quiver.
"Miss me?"
I whirled around, and saw Jason standing in the foyer, a smirk on his face.
I shot him a look. "You scared me!"
"Get used to it - you never know what you might encounter on the journey to Virvania."
I frowned slightly, then stuck the arrows in the quiver.
"Ava, I have something for you." Jason held out his hand, and opened his fist. Laying coiled in the palm of his hand, was a beautiful gold-chained necklace, with an emerald pendant.
I gasped as he placed it in my hand, and curled my fingers over the stunning piece of jewelry. "It's yours. It used to belong to my mother, but it was the only thing she left behind when she disappeared."
"I-I can't accept this, Jason."
"Ava, it's said to have magical powers. That emerald? I think that the necklace can help you control when you leave and come to Desridore. I think that it can help you with magic. I believe that it can help you, and will remind you of me, even in the darkest hour."
My hands trembling, I raised the necklace and fastened it around my neck. "Do you have a mirror?"
Jason laughed. "No. But you can make one."
I closed my eyes, and took a deep breath.
This time I didn't even need to feel, I didn't need to clear my head.
I opened my eyes and saw a conjured pool, with a reflective surface. "It's beautiful, Jason. Thank you." I fingered the pendant, starring at myself in the mirror.
"Oh, and remember, if you see any dragons, don't worry - just hide somewhere. They don't tend to have the best eyesight, and some are actually quite kind dragons."
"There's dragons here too?!"
"A lot more than that. Fairies usually hide out in the forests, and are extremely rare to find. Sometimes creatures will be lured out if a person has a strong aura or something special about him/her."
Dazed, I nodded. "I'll see you soon," I promised, a tear slipping down my cheek. "If I see you again."
Jason wiped away my tears. "You will."
"I don't want to leave you, Jason." Tears welled up in my eyes, and a sad smile crept onto my face.
His eyes twinkled, and he wrapped his arms around me. "Neither do I, Ava. Neither do I."

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