Chapter 12

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I jumped on Morningstar, and waved goodbye.
I nodded and Jason. There was nothing more to say - we already bid our goodbyes.
"See you soon," I whispered, shooting him a smile.
"Good luck, Ava. When you retrieve the pages, return back to Athosia," the king said.
"Will do."
I exchanged goodbyes with Evelina, the nicest maid, as well as the blacksmith, thanking him for the sword. Peter and his wife also said goodbye, and I was off.
For such a beautiful horse, Morningstar surprisingly turned out to be extremely fast.
This is beautiful...
I turned to look around, and saw that one person was left and staring after me.
Tears formed in my eyes as I waved one last final goodbye to Jason.
He blew me a kiss, and I watched him until he was nothing more than a speck in the distance.
I reached up to touch the necklace from him, and felt a tear slip down my cheek.
I wiped away my tears, and held onto Morningstar tighter.
I stared up at the sky, the faint moon, and parts of the sky were gradually darkening. A bright, orange sunset glowing warmly was straight ahead of me.
"I can't believe this - riding off into the sunset," I laughed. "Without my prince charming..."
We traveled for several hours, but I started to grow tired. As soon as I caught sight of a grouping of trees at the edge of a forest, I set up 'camp' for the night.
In my knapsack, I found a light blanket and a flashlight. "They have flashlights here?" I asked out loud, staring at it. "There's no batteries... is it run by magic?"
I shrugged, and tied my horse to a tree.
I searched the ground for some twigs and branches, and gathered them up in a pile. I found a couple stones and placed them in a circle around the branches.
After a couple moments of feeling sadness, regret, and fear, I conjured up a fireball and set the pile of branches on fire.
Every time I used magic, it was getting easier. Practice makes perfect, I guess.
I fell asleep that night on the cold, hard ground, the fire crackling as my only light and source of heat.
I woke up at roughly around two am, and found myself staring up at the sky, stars twinkling, the moon glowing.
I've always hated camping, but this was beautiful. Desridore seemed gorgeous compared to my home town.
Morningstar was sound asleep, I had realized when I glanced over at her.
My eyes started to close, and I felt myself yawning. As I touched my necklace, I felt a strange warmth envelope me and a few seconds later, I had instantly fallen asleep.
As soon as my eyes were closed shut, my breathing steady, and I was no longer aware of anything or anyone, the emerald on my necklace dimly glowed...

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