Chapter 18

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I squinted, and knew I was back. Back in the place between worlds. Were there other worlds out there? Apart from Earth and Desridore?
I blindly felt myself walking cautiously through the abyss of darkness.
As I stumbled through the pitch black room. (is it a room?) I kept waiting for the voice to tell me where to go. Would it still be there?
Or was it yet another thing that has abandoned me?
"I would never abandon you."
Startled, I twisted around, trying to hear where they were coming from. "Who are you?" I called into the void.
"Someone who wants you to end up fulfilling your prophecy. You need to know the truth."
I cocked my head. Finally, someone who could give me answers. "And you know what is?"
Now that I think about it, this voice isn't all that creepy at all. It sounds distressed - worn out.
"Yes. I do. But your time will come to know who to trust and who not to. I can't tell you, because that would ruin everything."
"I've said too much already, Ava. Go to the light source - only those with a pure intention of coming and going, may travel between realms."
"But how did Melissa get through? She's one hundred percent evil!"
I heard the sadness in their voice as it says, "Melissa isn't who you think she is. She's ten times worse and will stop at nothing to create problems for everyone. You will find the light source because it's in you, part of you. Until we meet again, Ava."
The voice slowly drifted off as my light in the dark, my hope, vanished.
I bit my lip, rubbing my eyes tiredly. "Who are you?" I asked, collapsing onto the floor in a heap.
The ground was quite hard, firm, but it didn't matter.
It never would.
I let my tears spill down my cheeks, a longing for someone to hear my cries for help. As a single tear drop fell to the ground, a light flickered. Faint, but noticeable enough.
I reached to my face, touching the tingly feeling of my tear-stained cheeks.
Would I ever be free from this?
Shaking, I stood up, my legs feeling like rubber.
You will find the light source because it's in you, part of you.
What does that even mean? I wondered.
It didn't matter - all I knew was that I needed to tell Jason what is happening... to figure out what the truth actually is, in a world where nothing is as it seems.
I had no idea where I was going. I just kept dragging my legs along to find the lights. It seemed so much harder to find it than the last time, but maybe I'm slightly sluggish from a lack of sleep. After all how long have I been in here? Wherever 'here' is...
I let out a small groan as I kept wandering through the darkness. It reminded me of myself, is that weird? I had no idea where I was going - which direction I'm headed. No idea who I truly am and blinded by everything so I'm unable to see what's true and what's not. Is my relationship with Jason clouding my judgement? Of what I really need to do? I seriously need to get a reality check and put my feelings on hold.
I seriously need to set my priorities straight.
After walking aimlessly for a little while longer, I started to grow slightly angry, and quite peeved. Why can't I find that stupid light source? Why can't I find my way? Am I lost? Am I alone?
Am I going in the right direction?
I slid to the ground once more. Is this a test? To see if I'm going the right way? Or is it all in my head - my mind playing tricks on me?
It was impossible to know for sure, because in the distance, I made out a sliver of light, a sliver of hope, lighting up the dark...

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