Chapter 6

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"I'm completely lost right now. I'm supposed to save you all? From what? Or who?" I started panicking, and began pacing.
"Could you please stop pacing, Ava? It's making me dizzy." the king put the back of his hand to his head.
"Sorry," I apologized, stopping to a halt. "What does the book say, though?"
Jason bit his lip. "This is a book of prophesies.
"So lemme get this straight - there's a picture of me in Athosia's book of prophesies? Why?" I questioned, growing frustrated.
"You're our only hope, Ava. Everyone in Athosia, and on Earth, are counting on you." the King stared at me directly in the eye. "Are you ready for this?"
My hands violently trembling, I shook my head. "Please, I just want to get back to Earth, to my home."
"Has anything, or anyone been acting strange lately?" The king asked, shooting a curious glance at me.
I hesitated. "Yes. There's this new girl at school, and-"
Suddenly, the ground began to shake, and I got thrown to the floor.
"Ava!" Jason gasped, darting over to me.
Before he could reach me, a large piece of rock shot up into the air, creating a barrier between me and him. Almost as if circling me, enormous rocks surrounded me, and I was trapped.
Suddenly, the ground stopped shaking, and the rumbling noise ended.
"Help!" I yelled, a scream tearing from my throat. "What happened?"
I heard Jason's voice, but couldn't see him.
"I'm trapped in these rocks... what happened?!"
Jason took a deep breath. "Dad, how do we get her out?"
I peered through a slight crack in the rocks to see the king shuffling over to us.
"Oh my... Ava, you have to use your powers..."
"Wait, what?" My palms gradually grew sweaty, my heart racing. "What did you just say?!"
"It says in this book that you can control some kind of element. You have magic in your blood."
"Of course I do," I said sarcastically. "And how am I supposed to use magic, exactly?" I questioned.
"It's different for everyone. Here, I'll make you a deal. If you can't escape this rock trap in under three minutes, I'll get someone else to get you out, okay?"
I nodded, but then remembered that they couldn't see me. "Okay." I inhale, then exhale. Breathe in, breath out, I told myself. "Is there any kind of tip that would help?"
"Hmm... well, magic usually comes from your heart. Some have said that clearing your mind also helps. There's four different kind of people who can preform magic; evil people, ordinary people, fairies and other types of creatures. Then the last category is very rare - those either with parents who both have magic in their blood, or someone who is just special in general for some reason. Everyone has a different way to perform magic, so you need to figure that out for yourself. I can't help you with that."
I sighed. "Okay, I'll do my best." I closed my eyes tightly shut, and curled my hands into fists. Clear your mind.
I thought about how Melissa stole my friends. I thought about Jason. I thought about how beautiful Athosia was, and then I thought about how I was forced to abandon my family, Earth, my best friends...
My blood boiled as I thought about everything that has been happening the past day or two.
"Don't think about your anger, your love, your fear, your pain, whatever you're thinking about. Feel it, instead," Jason called.
I exhaled, my hands returning to normal. I cleared my mind, and forget all about what had happened. Instead, I felt the affection for Jason that I couldn't hold back any longer. I had to tell him how I felt... I had to...
Then, another feeling took place instead. Anger. Pain. Regret. Would I ever see my friends and family again? If it wasn't for that stupid girl I wouldn't even be in this mess right now!
Anger surged through my body.
Suddenly, lights started flashing, and I opened my eyes just in time to see a fireball hovering above each of my hands. I jerked my hand away, but the fire stayed glued to the spot right above my hand.
"Guys, I think..!" I brought my hand back, like a slingshot, I snapped my wrist and the fireball went crashing into the rocks.
A sound echoed into the distance as the fireball hit the rock.
"Ava! Are you alright?" Jason asked, a concerned tone in his voice.
"I-I just summoned a fireball, but it didn't work against the rock."
"It will, Ava. The fire is still going, is it not? Some types of fire will work against things such as rock.," The king stated.
"Really?" I asked incredulously.
"If it's powerful enough, then yes. Try it again," he urged.
I closed my eyes again, and tried to forget about everything.
I felt mad again. Stupid Melissa, stupid Jason for making me like him... stupid me for falling for him. He'll never like me back, he's a prince. I'm... me.
Tears welled up in my eyes, and lights started to flash again.
My eyes flew open, revealing another fireball.
"Yes!" I cheered, throwing the fireball at the rock again.
It created a hole in the rock wall, and it was just big enough for me to slip through.
"I did it! I did magic!"
Jason and the king rushed over to me.
"I'm amazed that you learned it so fast," the king mused, a bewildered look on his face.
"Well, I'm a girl of many talents," I joked.
"Still, that was amazing work, Ava," Jason said.
Blushing, I smiled shyly at him. "Thanks."
"Ava... Back to the topic we were talking about before we were interrupted, do you recognize this woman?" The king held up a drawn picture of a girl.
I stared at the drawing, my eyes widening. "Yes," I choked out. "That's her. That's... Melissa."

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