Chapter 17

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Melissa sashayed over to to me as soon as the bell for lunch rang.
"You're back."
I gaped at her. "You noticed I was gone?"
"Duh. Everyone from Desridore is aware when people travel back and fourth between Earth and my home - but you probably know everyone else has false memories when you're away. I bet you also already know I'm from Desridore, though. Virvania in particular." Melissa stared at me in the eye, taking a step closer. "Watch your back."
I stared after her, watching that conniving little brat meet up with my two best friends.
"No, Melissa," I said softly, my hands curling into fists. "You watch yours."

I got home, hurled my backpack on my floor, and I screamed. The loud yell rang throughout the house, and I flung onto my bed and let the tears of pain roll down my cheeks.
"Jason," I sighed, fingering my necklace. "I hate it here - Melissa is ruining my life and no one knows. Why am I the only one who's not affected by her spell? There's gotta be something she's not telling me... Something that Jason didn't tell me... But I need to know - why me?" I hiccuped, my face a blotchy red and stained with tears.
My sister knocked on my door. "Are you okay, Ava?" Violet called softly.
I wiped away my tears, and blew my nose into a tissue "I'M FINE!" I yelled, an exasperated tone in my voice, "Just leave me alone!"
"Sorry for trying to be nice," she harrumphed.
I hesitated. "Wait."
Silence, but I heard her breathing. "Come in."
Violet opened my door and stumbled into my room.
A timid expression crossed her face as she took a tentative step toward me.
It's time. I have to tell her everything. Maybe she can travel back and fourth too? After all, Violet is my sister.
"Violet, you might want to sit down."
She shot me a quizzical look, and obediently took a seat beside me on my bed.
"You know, ever since the beginning of this week, I wasn't actually here."
She frowned. "There where would you be?"
"Is that in South America?"
"No, Violet."
"It's in Desridore. I wasn't even... on earth."
"You went to space? Did you go in a rock-"
"No!" I yelled. "Oops, sorry. Anyway... you're going to think I'm crazy, but I'm not. I only got back home today, whereas everyone who knows me was replaced with false memories of where I was while I was gone. Do you understand so far?"
Violet nodded, her eyes glued on mine.
"I went to my bedroom and a few minutes after I had that fight with our parents, I was transported to a pitch black room. There was a voice that whispered from me where to go, and then, after walking more, I reached a light source. It beckoned me toward it, so I reached out to touch it. Then I ended up in a beautiful fairytale world, and I met a prince who saved me and I think I'm falling in love with him... Then I found out that I'm different than everyone else. Apart from Melissa, I'm the only one who can teleport from each place to place. I'm special. It's my duty to protect Earth and Desridore from being destroyed."
"By what?" Violet stammered, her mouth dropped open, and her eyes widened as she took all my words in.
"I don't know, Violet. I don't know. All I know is, I need to go back. I need to stop it from happening. I'm their last hope."
All at once I remembered the papers in my pocket.
I reached into my pocket and pulled out the ancient pages.
Violet gasped.
"Now do you believe me? I also got this necklace from Jason. You can not tell anyone about this, understand?"
Silently nodding, Violet gaped at the papers. "What are those?"
"Pages torn out of the book of prophecies. My pages."
Slowly, I unfolded them, and stared at the blank papers. "What?"
Lights started flashing again, and my sister, like a ghost, began to disappear from my vision.
"Ava!" She hollered, taking my hand.
I smiled at her. "I'll be back."
Then everything went black.

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