C h a p t e r 1

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"Stand still while I do this" The butler said standing behind the young female. Y/n said nothing as she only stood still looking forward with a stoic expression.

"Good" The butler looped her hair up into two side buns clipping on bunny hairclips on top of the elastic hair ties.

"Aww don't you look adorable?" A mirror was turned to face Y/n as she looked at her own reflection. She wore a red dress reaching just above her knees with a white cardigan over her shoulders. Standing still made her resemble a doll. Aside from the outfit she wore, her bright blue eyes contrasted from her pale skin.

She looked nothing like her twin who carried more of their Mother's characteristics while she carried more from their Father. From one look no one would have guessed they were twins from just appearance alone but their personalities would have given it all away. They both spoke few words while also lacking much of any emotion. One thing They still have not yet figured out was each other's existence.

"Now come along, your Mother came to visit you today" The butler held onto Y/n's hand tightly as they existed the room. They walked down stairs into a new room where Kikyo was impatiently waiting to see her daughter.

"Oh Y/n dear! Come give Mother a hug!" She held out her arms awaiting for Y/n to come closer.

She nodded her head and slowly walked towards her. Impatient as Kikyo already was she closed the distance and squeezed Y/n in a tight embrace, she didn't let go until the young girl was gasping for air.

"You look so cute in that dress!" Kikyo says praising her daughter. "You look so cute today I just had to get you something!" She pulls out a doll from behind her handing it to Y/n. She looked at it for a moment before taking it.

"Thank you.....Mom" She paused in between her words unsure about what she said. Kikyo was even more delighted and once again picked her up and tightly hugged her. "Your so adorable!"

The moment was suddenly interupted when Gotoh softly knocked on the door "The Headmaster requests to speak with you" He said straight forward making Kikyo sigh deeply "Alright then. I'll come back later" Kikyo sets her down and begins to walk with Gotoh to the Main Estate. Y/n watches as her figure disappears through the door. Once she was out of her sight she decides to walk back to her room.

"In a few hours you will be having dinner with your Mother and Father" The butler informs her. She only looks back once before continuing to walk away.

When she got to her room she closes the door, locking it. She plops herself on her bed and opens the box the doll was placed in. When she was done examining the features it had she grabbed the doll's head and popped it off and throwing it aside.

She then walks to her closet pulling out a black box. She opened it to reveal multiple decapitated dolls. She places the new doll's body into the box closing it and sealing it away from view. She picks up the head she threw to the ground putting it in her nightstand.

Then she takes out a black notebook from the nightstand scribbling a drawing of the doll before it had been decapitated, she writes the name she wanted to name the doll into the corner of the page. "Yui" is the name she gave it.


"Y/n it's time to go to the Main Estate" The butler knocks on her door. She brings herself onto her feet towards the door to unlock it. She walks out of the room not waiting for the butler as she walks down stairs. The maid sighs in frustration running after the young female.

They arrived in front of the double doors to the dining room. The butler pushes open one of the doors letting Y/n enter the room. She looks around the room spotting her Mother and Father already seated at the table with an unknown figure sitting next to her Mother.

She takes her seat beside her Father. She wanted to avoid looking at the person in front of her. Silence filled the room until Kikyo spoke up "This is the girl me and your father have been talking about. Kalluto, meet Y/n."

Both of them slowly turned their heads to look at the other. They both looked at each other straight in the eyes, both their lips were slightly parted but none of them said a word. They continued to look at each other in curiosity then Kalluto spoke.

"She doesn't look anything like me" He averted his attention from her looking at their Mother. "Now Kalluto don't be rude, no matter what she is your twin" Kikyo sternly looks at him. His sighs deeply before picking up his spoon to eat his dinner. "From now on you both will be training together" Silva announced. They both nodded continuing to eat their food.


Night soon came but Y/n couldn't sleep. She was still pondering about what had happened during dinner, she didn't expect to have a twin. The question Kalluto said was all she could think about "We're twins so why don't we look alike?" Y/n recalled when she was starring at Kalluto, he had short black hair and eyes that were a shade of pink. No matter how she thought about it they looked nothing alike.

She had many questions for her Mother, she didn't understand why she was kept away from Kalluto or why she was only ever introduced to him now. For years she believed that she was their only child but then what her Grandfather said came to her mind.

"Your parents are quiet busy at the Main Estate that's why they don't visit you very often"

The thought was disheartening. Could it be that they favored Kalluto so much that they sent her off to live in a completely different Estate? The question swarmed around her head until she dozed off into a peaceful slumber.

Kalluto sat up in his bed, thinking about Y/n. He too wondered why she was just introduced to him and why she didn't live with them. He wondered if the reason why she was hidden away was because she is a danger to them.

When he thought about it more the more he started to believe it. He then decided that he didn't want anything to do with her, that it would be best not to interact with her but something about her made him want to get to know her. It was a strange fascination that he didn't mind at all. Dangerous or not, if Kikyo and Silva had introduced him to her then there must be a reason.

Maybe it would change his lonely life. If he wasn't busy with a task from either Silva or Kikyo he'd be on his own to do whatever he pleases. Could she be a companion to him? Someone to make him less lonely?"

No matter the reason he didn't want to over think about it anymore. The thoughts had tired him out. He slid underneath his bed sheets and  closed his eyes to get some rest for the next day.

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